Chapter 2

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The motorcycle's wheels squeal as we stop at a a colossal iron gate. The gates creeks open and lead on a smooth gravel road to a mansion.

The  mansion was surrounded by high walls and electric fencing with every few meters a camera, probably to try and keep something out

"But what?" was my burning question. "There can't possibly... just shut up. We'll find out when something happens. Now is not the time to ask questions."

Lillith's bike slowly drives into the gate and waits for the gate to close. She taps her finger on the handle impatiently. She looks back at me and I smile as she makes eye contact with me.

As soon as the gates close, she drives the bike forward onto the road.

The road is accompanied by bushes of black, white or red roses. The gardens are well taken care of.

Lillith's motorcycle parks under a tree a few feet away from the huge oak front door of the exceptionally large mansion. The house basically made out of glass and the walls are painted pale white.

Lillith jumps off the motorcycle, expecting my scrawny legs to be able to balance it out. Like most things I do, I failed miserably and thud onto the floor with the bike. Lillith shakes her head and easily pulls me out from under the bike.

She takes my hand and pulls me up.

"First time on a motorcycle?" She asks. Waiting for an answer I just nod my head, "If you prove yourself loyal, you'll get one of your own someday."

"Stay loyal? What is that suppose to mean?"

She just shakes her head, "No time to explain now, still got a lot of things to go before we have to go to the stupid dinner with the head master." She gestures her hands to the entrance of the mansion, "Come on, I'll show you your room. From now on you'll be staying with us."


"No buts Gerard. I know it's shocking and overwhelming but this is your life now. I can't change that."

"Why didn't you just leave me there?" I sigh and cross my arms staring back up the road.

"I had a good feeling about you. Something special."

"There nothing special about me. There is nothing really to me, I'm nothing important. Those jocks who I went to the frat party with definitely thought that. I thought they really wanted to be my friends, we started talking the one day and they invited me to this party. It was the first time i was really invited to anything and they told me how cool it is to I said yes. Turns out I was just a big joke, every party needs entertainment right. I demanded them to take me home after spreading a rumor at that party. People started throwing and spraying me with flour and paint, just because they said I was into art and thought I was gay because of that bullshit rumor. The guys said they were sorry and they'll take me home after they get some gas. So I went with them, and they told me to see if anyone was in the station. I went to go see, but I saw it was abandoned. When I turned around to tell them, they were already driving away. You guys found and well, now I'm here. This is probably the only place I have left to go."

Lillith's face is filled with shock. She looks down at the ground and sadly folds her arms.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"You couldn't have known. At least you found me." I smile warmly and Lillith blushes.

A strong band pushes me from behind, falling to the ground I hit my brow against the side walk. I look over my shoulder and see Kyle. I can feel the blood dripping from my brow.

"I'm sorry. We're you guys having a moment? So sorry to interrupt!" He chuckled and rolls me back over. He looks at my brow and laughs, "You're on my turf now. If you want my advice, you're going to have to toughen up."

Lillith angrily looks at Kyle and rushed to my side. She pushes him away and he smirks.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." She says leading me into the mansion.

She leads me through the foyer and into a big room nearby. She forces me to sit on the bed as she fetches a cloth from the built in bathroom.

"That's definitely is going to leave a scar. Kyle is such an idiot. Can't believe what I saw in that guy." She blows a strand of her hair out of her face as she softly touches the area on my head. I close my eyes and try not to flinch.

"There we go, that should hold it for a while. Allison will have to stitch that up after dinner." She said shaking her head

"Thank you, for, eveything." I say rubbing the back of my head.

"No problem. Now the last part we'll have to do your makeup. Some eyeliner and foundation will do the trick."

"Wait, why?" I say as she starts taking things out of her bag.

"Just not to give the new fledglings an idea your human. They're still a bit out of control. Most of us here are aware and I have hidden your scent, it will be fine. They'll come around in a few months, but as soon as you turn it comes naturally."

I just nod.

"Look up to the ceiling and stay still," she said grabbing the eyeliner and applies a thick layer eyeliner, I can't help not twitching, "Stop twitching, you're making this really hard."

"Well, you wanted to apply makeup. Just deal with it." I chuckle, she sigh and continues to try to with the eye liner and as soon as she finishes she adds the foundation.

Her hands are cold on my face as she finishes up on the last bit, but it feels warm in another way.

"Won't they smell my scent?" I ask and swallow.

"Since I've imprinted on you. You'll smell less eatable."

"Weird question, what do I smell like for you?" I ask quite curiously.

"Let's just say like fresh pork chop and anything delicious."

I nod and chuckle.

"Curse my delicious nature." I chuckle and Lillith laughs with me.

Suddenly we both stop laughing and it falls to silence.

Our eyes meet.

Slowly she moves closer, her familiar features. It's too good to be true.

I close my eyes and wait for her lips to meet mi-

A hard knock on the door makes me pull away.

Lillith blushes and gets up to open the door. She opens the door and a young man stands in front of the door.

"Lillith the head master wants to see you. Head master wants to see him too. It is quite urgent and has to do with your friend's safety with the Alphine coven."

"Inform him we'll be there shortly. Thank you Will."

Lillith closes the door and walks over. She grabs her bag of the bed.

"Lillith," I start shyly, "about the ki-

"Forget about it, it never happened. Come on, head master is waiting for us." It didn't mean anything to her and that made me sad. For a second, just for a second, I thought we had a moment.

I get up and follow Lillith as she opens the door.

Time to meet the head master.

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