Chapter 17

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"You're awake." Frank says softly, putting his hand on mine. "You fell asleep quickly." He kisses my forehead and I attempt to smile, my eyes still closed.

He wants to kiss me but he stops himself.

I sit up on the bed, holding his hands.

"What's wrong?" I say trying to touch his face but he just moves further away. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm sorry, it's nothing. It's stupid." He whispers and gets up, "I'm on duty again in an hour, I uh, yeah I'll see you later I guess." He walks out without saying goodbye, unlike him.

"I love you." I call after him, but he doesn't say it back.

He walks out the door, without looking back, "Frank wait."

He stops and turns around to face me. He isn't smiling anymore, his hands are deep in his pockets.

Something is bothering him.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks, "I feel like you were angry at me in the field. I just wanted to protect you, but you just pushed me away."

"No sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong, I can't treat you like my fiancé there, it's my job to keep my team safe and alive. I'm sorry I treated you like I did in the field, I'm sorry it came off that way. I love you and I just want to protect you. Why would you think that-

"I just thought," he stops and shakes his head, smiling, "I though I did something wrong. You maybe thought I did it wrong. It was my an your first time and-

"Frank, that was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had in my life and that I got to share with you."

"I'm glad you thought so too." He says kissing me.

"I love you." I say while roughing up his hair, "I'd like to do it again. I never want it to be with anyone else but you."

"I love you." He kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry if I came off like that, but I'm just worried about your safety." I say, stroking his cheek.

"I would be too. I'm sorry about all of this. It's stupid, I've been trying to avoid it but I just couldn't. I'm just a bit paranoid about things like that." He smiles.

"Don't be." I say and he sits on the bed with me.

"How are you feeling?" He says, rubbing my cheek softly.

"I hurt all over, but the meds help. I do feel better today."

He kisses my forehead again and takes my one hand.

"I'm sorry about everything. Just rest some more. I'll be back after my shift on the border. I love you."

"Run away with me." I whisper softly.

"Anytime you want." He kisses me and then leaves to his shift.


Three weeks finally pass after being useless for so long.

I'm almost fully healed up and fit to go back onto the battlefield. We've been successful and won more ground than the wolves.

After these tough few months, I can see an end coming to this war. I really want it to come to an end, I want to go and live my life with Frank.

I climb onto the roof, I could sense Frank sitting on there. Jumping onto the roof, I see Frank holding onto a lit cigarette. He puffs a cloud of smoke and the wind quickly blows it away.

I go to sit next to him. "Since when have started smoking?" I ask and he hands me the cigarette.

I also take a puff and hand it back to him.

"Since you left to go to war. It's helps my stress. It's also not like I'm going to be able to die from lung cancer." He smirks and he blows more smoke.

I cough as the smoke goes through my nose. I put my hand on his hand and he squeezes it tightly.

"If General catches us, we'll be running laps for years." I laugh and Frank chuckles.

Frank lights another cigarette and hands it to me, he lights himself one as well. He puts the lighter back in his pocket.

"Where did you even get these?"

"Now now can't pimp on the smokers club." He laughs and I roll my eyes playfully.

"What a beautiful evening. There's no shots firing. The silence is beautiful, I can just listen to you." I blush and feel my cheeks heat up.

"It's even prettier with you here." I awkwardly add and he just laughs. He smashes the cigarette butt on the floor with his boot.

"You're so cute when you're cringey." He strokes my cheek and kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tightly. I just want to be with him, we don't even have to talk. I just want him here with me.

"I just want to say how happy I am to have you, Frankie. I love you with my entire existence." I whisper in his ear, he smiles and kisses my neck.

I smile hugging him tightly.

"Come on, I need to go to bed and be ready for tomorrow. I'm going back on the field for the first time." I say, playfully pushing him.

"Are you sure you're ready to go back?" He asks, worry in his voice.

"I have to go back sometime. I can't hang around here and do anymore of the General's paperwork."

We climb down the building and go back to our unit. Frank gets into bed and I hit the shower.

The warm water runs down my back, I put my head under the shower head and wet my hair. The hot water made the entire bathroom fog up, I slick it my hair out of my face.

I open my eyes and see Frank standing in the bathroom.

"Is there maybe room for two?" He says as he also climbs in with his clothes, not really waiting for an answer.

"You're silly," I say and gets in right in front of me, taking my hand, "Frank!" I laugh loudly.

He takes off his soaking clothes and throws it into the sink a few feet away from the shower. He stands with me in the shower, rubbing my back with the soap. I didn't try to stop him, I didn't want him to stop.

He puts his hands around my waist and kisses me under the pouring water. He pulls me close to him, I don't want him ever to let go. He holds me tightly and kisses my neck.

"I hope you know how beautiful you are," He whispers again, "I love you."

He tries kiss me again, but then he slips, falling hard pushing both of us over. I burst out laughing while trying to help him up.

"Thank you for trying to be sweet and romantic but rather wait for me in bed, you're going to hurt yourself." I laugh and he kisses me for the one he just lost.

He gets out, wraps a towel around his waist and goes into the bedroom.

"Don't take too long." He softly closes the door and lets me continue.

I hurry to finish up. I dry my hair with towel, making it stand funny. I comb it down and dry myself off. I wipe the foggy mirror look at myself.

Maybe Frank's right, I am beautiful. He comments about me has always made me feel special. I smile at myself in the mirror, overlooking the scars and all the flaws I've always focused on.

Frank is probably waiting. I hurry and get dressed in my pajamas, I hurry out the bathroom.

I see Frank is already fast asleep. He must've had a long day out in the field.

"Sweetheart." I whisper and softly shake him, but he's fast asleep.

I cover him in the sheets and tuck him in gently. He softly snores. I climb in next to him, putting my back against his hands. He pulls me closer and spoons me out of habit.

We lay like this until I also fall asleep.

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