Chapter 5

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A few hours later.

"Please don't hurt me." The little wolf cries when I pick him up on his shirt's collar from under my bed.

The attack ended hours ago.

Luckily there was minimal injuries on our side, but we have a lot to clean up.

His eyes is a dreamy dark brown color but filled with fear, he wasn't transformed as the other wolves. He has short black hair, a lip ring and lots of tattoos. The no wolf feature indicates he wasn't involved in any fights, which is a good thing.

"I was forced to come here. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I've been hiding in this bedroom since the attack began." The wolf closes his dark eyes and looks like he is about to cry.

"Hey, don't cry. It's okay." I say, softly putting my hand on his shoulder.

He tenses up. He doesn't look up to me, he wipes his eyes with his dark green sleeve.

"What's your name?" I say kindly and rub his shoulder.

He swallows and opens his one eye. He opens his other eye to see if I was about to hit him. He drops his guard and sweetly smiles. He looks more comfortable now and stands up straight.

He awkwardly rubs his shoulder, smiling widely, "I'm Frank. Frank Iero."

There's something that I just can't hate about him. Was it his dreamy eyes which stole my heart from the first second we met?

I think this is the wolf, the others were looking for.

"I'm Gerard. Nice to meet you." I hold out my hand and wait for him to shake it.

He hesitates and looks at my hand, but then firmly shakes my hand. Holding his hand, there's a field of electricity going through us. His hand is soft and warm, something that I'm not use to anymore, I haven't really felt heat for a while. He takes a while before he lets my hand go. He blushes and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry I broke into your room, Gerard. Your name is too long, I'll call you Gee."

"There's no way we can get you out of here without being caught, you'll have to lay low for a while. Security will be at its peak for the next few days. I'll try my best to protect you."

"You don't have to, you'll get in trouble. We're not even suppose to be talking."

"Why?" I say, folding my arms.

"It's against the pack rules."

"Well, I'll help y-

Suddenly someone knocks on my bedroom door.

"Gerard, we have to talk. We can't just leave things the way we did. I need to explain." Mikey calls from outside my door, "Come on, please let me in. I have to talk to you!"

"Hide under the bed!" I whisper to Frank and he scurries to under my bed again.

As soon as he is under, I open my bedroom door and lean my arm against the door's frame. This is the first time I've got to take a look of him. He is only sixteen now, but he is ripped for his age. He should be much stronger than me. His hair isn't black like it was, but bleached ash blond. His face is well taken care of. His eyes are still sparkling of life, just like I remember for 3 years ago. I was happy to see him, overjoyed, but there was an anger inside which has been brewing the second he disappeared.

"What's there to talk about? You lied to me for three years. Just get out of here Michael. I don't want to see you." Saying his name hurts and is a unfamiliar word. I'm about to close my door but Mikey slips inside. I fold my arms angrily and stare him down. "What is there to say?" I growl and try to slam the door in his face, but his hand blocks me from closing it.

"Look I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't do anything about it. The few seconds you looked away, someone snatched me and ran off. I managed to escape but then Kyle found me, He imprinted on me and has been my trainer ever since. But I'm sorry, I can't imagine what I put you through."

"It was my fault after all. Mikey...just.. I can't do this right now. The attack was overwhelming enough. By the way, you never managed to send a letter just to let me know you're okay! Well, I could expect it for being sick a horrible person." I say as sadly while  look at Frank hiding under my bed.

"No, it wasn't and you're not a bad person. Stop beating yourself up. Let's just move on and start over? There has to be something left of what we had back then? I wish I could've written letters but Kyle said it was for the best that I don't. I never stopped thinking about you. I never did, I missed you everyday, wishing you were here with me. I was scared and alone." I nod and I hug my brother.

I flinch as he hugs my shoulder where the wolf bit me. I didn't care, I could tell Mikey was upset. Mikey looks to my shoulder, then at his shirt covered in my blood.

"That's one hell of a bite. You put up quite rough fight. Even your room smells like wet dog. I'll have to take you to Allison." He looks worried and I laugh nervously. Frank frowns and looks in the other direction, "You okay? You keep looking away. You use to do that when you're hiding something."

"I'm good. Just..tired I guess. I'll go see Allison later. I'm not feeling so hot. But thanks for your concern Mikey. It's good to see you again." Ive been having a migraine since the fight ended. Is just a little wound, can't do much harm, right?

"No I'll take you to her now."

"Okay okay. Just give me a few to change and I'll meet you there in 10 minutes." Mikey nods and walks out my room and softly closes the door behind me. Frank climbs up from under my bed.

"I don't like him. I don't smell that bad do I?" Frank smells himself.

"Not always. Just most of the time you smell like a dog." I laugh and Frank sarcastically crosses his arms, "I'm going to see the Coven nurse. Please just stay in here and out of trouble."

"I didn't know you had a brother? Why were you separate-

"I'll explain everything later, if you stay out of trouble. I won't be long."

Frank nods and I show him to be silent with my finger. Like a good boy he imitated me. I laugh and change my shirt. I could see Frank watching me from behind, now I know what Lillith was talking about. Someone looking at you from behind freaks your vamp senses out. After I changed, I left my room and went to Allison.

"Don't be gone too long." He whispers as I leave my room, making my blush.

After a few minutes, I arrive still glowing at the Turning bay, I guess it is like a mini hospital as well. Allison is a highly qualified doctor and has been on top of her game for centuries.

Mikey is waiting at entrance and chatting with Allison.

"Hey Gerard! How are you doing? Glad to see you've found your relative!" Allison calls and gives me a hug.

I wiggle myself out. I'm not one who likes being touched, makes me uncomfortable.

"I've been better. One of the wolves managed to bite me on my shoulder. I haven't been feeling good since the attack ended."

"Well, after the turning room, you'll see a black door. Just go through there and I'll get your file." Allison turns around and scratches through a huge pile of files.

She pulls one out and quickly scans through it.

"Should I come with you? I mean if you want to." Mikey asks without making eye contact.

"Yeah, come along. Let's see what a badass your brother is." I laugh and together we walk to the examination room. "I've missed you." I whisper.

Mikey turns around, "I've missed you too." He hugs my one arm and we go through the door.

I hope Frank doesn't break my stuff.

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