Chapter 6

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"You've got quite a fever. That's not normal." Allison says as she takes her hand off of my forehead, "Vampires don't get sick. Thats what worries me. I need you to go to your room to fetch some new clothes for a few days. I'll have to keep you here to watch you. Whatever that wolf did, he is still doing real damage."

"I'll be back in a flash." I say and show Mikey to wait.

I have to hide Frank.

God, I feel terrible.

My legs are sore and aching. My hands are filled with pins and needles. I'm nauseous and the world around me is spinning.

I slowly slide down my bed onto my feet and steady myself so that I can start my quest.

Everyone passing me is double or blurry.

Many ask me if I'm okay or if I need help but I just say I'm fine. I just need to be able to manage to make it back to my room.

After a while, I arrive at my bedroom door, I rest my head on my door.

I can hear Frank playing video games inside. He probably figured out how to connect my television with my Xbox. At least he could keep himself busy and not get into trouble.

I push down my door handle and slowly open the door. I hang onto the handle for support.

"Hey!" He says as I enter my room, "You don't look so good Gee. Are you okay?" Frank drops the controller and aids to my side.

He lets me rest my weight on him. Even though he is small and short, he is surprisingly strong for his little body. Probably some other kind of werewolf thing.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine," I lie and make my way to my closet. Opening my closet I throw my red duffel bag onto my bed and pick out a few shirts, clean pants and a jacket. Frank folds it neatly without asking questions, puts every piece of clothing next to my bag on the bed to let me pack it in on my own pace.

Finally, I finish packing and zip up my bag. I sit down to rest on my bed and I look down at my red carpet.

"What did the nurse say?" Frank asks and opens one of my bedroom windows.

"The nurse wants to keep an eye on me for a few days. I don't know what to do with you, I guess I have some food in my room f-

"Don't worry about me. I'm a big boy. You should take good care of yourself first. No one comes before you." Frank sounds like my grandmother. She was always sweet and kind, she mostly took care of me and my brother when we were younger, "I'll manage."

Frank's smile gave a room light. He is a sunflower in a garden of druids.

A sudden headache takes over my body and I lose my balance off my bed, onto my knees. I close my eyes and take another deep breath. I push myself off the ground and back onto my bed. Frank darts next to me and helps me back up. He lets me lean on his shoulder and puts my head onto a pillow.

"Hey! You're definitely not okay. I'm calling the nurse to come fix you up. There's no way you'll make it back to that consultation room."

"Are you crazy!" I exclaim, "They will kill you without a second thought!"

"Keep your voice down," He whispers, "I don't care, okay? I owe you."

"You don't own me anything! I want to protect you, let me?" I shout at Frank.

There's a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry, that came ought harsh." I whisper and Frank turns his back to me.

I sigh, "I'm really okay, just a little dizzy. You don't have to stay and take care of me."

He turns back to me.

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