Chapter 19

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The next day.

"I'm glad you came." The General says as I softly close the door behind. "Have a seat,"

He gestures at the old wooden chair facing him. I gracefully walk over and take my seat, crossing my legs. The chair is hard and uncomfortable.

"How you doin'?" He awkwardly asks and looks the bandages sticking out from under my Metallica shirt.

I pull the shirt a bit so that it hopefully covers more.

"I've been better honestly." I mutter and cross my arms.

"How's Iero doing and your plans going? Everything still on track for tomorrow?" He hands me a huge cup of cold coffee.

He smiles generously and I accept it. The mug is freezing. I take a sip and the black coffee's bitterness leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. I put the mug back down, planning not to take another sip.

"Yes." I answer coldly, trying to avoid his small talk.

"I hope the coffee is good."

"Amazing." He hands me a little metal bottle. I open it and pour it into my coffee.

I take a big sip and the taste drastically improves.

"Fresh Wolfblood. Thought you could do with some extra after everything. You've lost a lot of weight, need to beef you up again." I smile and take another sip.

The taste in riches my senses.

"I've got one question for you about...your relationship," He blushes and looks away.

"Uh yeah sure General."

"Call me Rufus." He insists and I awkwardly nod.


"Don't take this the wrong way. I don't know how you people do it, bu Who is Mister and who is Misses?"

"Excuse me?" I cough, almost choking on my sip of coffee. "My people? Putting us in a category now?" I growl at him, very offended.

If I had to guess his age, I'd say before being gay was allowed.

He chuckles and looks at me, clearly seeing I'm not amused.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just trying to lighten the mood but never mind that," He clears his throat and adjusts his tie embarrassed, "Let's just get to it. We can't put you back out in the field tomorrow. The injuries you've sustained makes you more vulnerable, I've heard you've been struggling with your equipment. We can't have that.

"I can handle myself thank you."

"I want to promote you to desk work or until your prepared to return to the field. You don't have to risk your life unnecessarily. I'm promoting Iero the next Commander."

"I'm going to have to decline. I'm more handy in the field. I can't just let Frank go off there. Him or my team. I've been leading them the entire time." I growl at the general.

"He's the one who came to see me, he's worried about you. My worries are the same as his. I've seen you out there with my own eyes, you're better than the others. You've got the right mind for strategic planning. We can't waste your potential while it's not on the field. We've started encountering strategy problems, I need a fresh brain who can think of things differently, you're the one I want to put into this position. The pay is good too." He says and gets up, turning his back to me.

He looks at the map on his wall.

I quickly jug the entire bottle of blood down my throat. I've been thirsty for a while now. I softly put it back down and see him putting down his pins on the map.

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