Chapter 3

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The inside of the mansion was modern themed. Newest kind carpets, painting and tables with red roses on them. Everything is squeaky clean.

Nothing that indicates bloodthirsty maniacs lives in this house.

Just an ordinary house; well for them it was ordinary, to me it is a palace.

We continue down a passage to a wooden door.
The door is engraved with the initials Head Master Vladimir.

Lillith softly knocks on the door and turns around to ensure me everything is alright.

A voice invites us in.

Lillith opens the door slowly.

"After you," She says and I slowly enter the office. She softly enters and closes the door.

The office is beautiful.

A view which stretches for miles across forests and the gardens. The desk was white and very modern. The computer and keyboard is something I've never seen before. Its probably some of the newest kind of tech out there.

There is one painting above the desk. It's old but well cleaned. It's Victorian themed.

"Lillith, please have a seat." The voice gently said. Lillith sits down and I continue to stand.

"You can sit down too." Lillith whispered and I quickly grab a seat. I fold my hands over my knees and see the tall, dark haired man sit in front of us. He examines us and watches my every move. His eyes were kind like Lillith's but red like the ones I saw inside of the store. I didn't feel comfortable with this man.

"Welcome to the Coven, Gerard. I've heard so much about you. My son Kyle, informed me of your stay with us. I hope he didn't give you too much of a hard time. He'll come around in a while."

"No he hasn't," I lied and Lillith just sighs. I found it creepy he knew my name, I'm not going to question anything.

"Lillith, Kyle told me you found him at the abandoned gas station a few miles down and mentioned you've imprinted on him."

"Yes, headmaster. I did imprint on him." She speaks with no emotion in her voice. she speaks like a programmed machine.

"Very good. I'm glad you've found yourself a friend but I've got some very frightening news. Coven Alphine has struck again at the other vampire coven in California," Head Master looks extremely worried and takes a deep breath, "The next place they're going to strike is here. He will have to be turned for his own safety and be trained to defend himself. Your position as his trainer will be in immediately effect. No time for delay."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. What do you mean turned and training?" I ask.

"Lillith will take you to the turning bay to become a vampire. She will be training you to be better in combat and to be able to defend yourself. Since your going to be a fledgling, you'll be the weakest of all of us, but you're more useful that way than being mortal and less likely to be slaughtered. We have to stand our ground before the Alpine Coven strikes here. If I had to guess, we have about... 7-9 days before they get here."

In shock I look at Lillith and she just warmly smiles, more of a fake smile.

I can't believe I'm going to be a vampire, I guess there's no choice. I take a deep breath before I ask one last question.

Wow, who thought my day could go from bad to this?

"I have one more question." I say and Lillith looks at me.

"Shoot." The Head Master says.

"Who or what is the Alphine coven?"

The head master smirks and begins to explain, "The Alphine coven is the Werewolf Coven. They're the most dangerous of them all and lately they've been on a genocide mission to wipe out most of the vampire covens in the country. They haven't been that successful but they've left a lot of injured vampires and mortals. They're seeking a war between supernaturals."

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