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we're being punked pedro

I wake up in Hopes bed, already noticing the lack of her being with me

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I wake up in Hopes bed, already noticing the lack of her being with me. I slowly crawl out of her bed, grabbing a pair of jeans, and a Salvatore sweater from her closet before walking out. Alaric is walking past me, stopping. "Your sister is doing community service, your mom is in the library."

"What?" I ask. He doesn't answer me, so I head to the memorial library.

I walk in and see my mom, wearing a dress that looks like it could be from the fifty's. "Annie!" She flies down from the top shelf, smiling. "Alaric and I decided it would be good if I'm here." She hums, cupping my cheek. "Now, get to class, Hope will be back tonight."

"Mom, if you're here cause you're worried me and Hope are going to drag ourselves into trouble-"

"Oh, I know you will." She chirps. "Now, run along to class! I'll see you in gym!"

With a roll of my eyes, I walk out into the hall. "Hey, mixbreed" I look over to see a bunch of werewolves. "I heard your werewolf boyfriend and his buddy left town." He chuckles.

"Bite me, Dylan." I growl.

He chuckles. "Maybe I will." Suddenly he flings in my direction and my eyes change color as I jump at him as well. We fly to the floor as we toss punches left and right. He kicks me in the gut, causing me to fly into the wall. I snap my head up, looking directly at him.

I guess that's the moment he realized he fucked up.

I lift my whole body into the air before I fly into his chest, sending us both into the wall. I scream as I punch him again and again. I grip his collar, pulling him close to my face.

I'm just about ready to rip his face off when someone interrupts. "Annie!" Alaric shouts from upstairs. I feel my eyes change back to their normal color, snapping my head at the staircase. I let out a loud growl before zooming out of town.

The first place I wander into is the forest, seeing...

"Raf? Landon?"

"Annie?" All of us say at once

I run up to Raf, who hugs me tightly. Landon jogs over, giving me a hug as well. "What are you doing out here?" Rafi asks, concerned. "You should be at the school."

"So should you." I state. I peer up at Landon. "Both of you."

Landon shakes his head. "Annie, you know-"

"No, Landon." I snap. "I know Hope and Mr. Saltzman and basically everyone at school treated you like shit, but I at least was there! Hell, I could have screamed bloody murder when you told me to come with you, but I didn't. I went with you. It is so easy for me to quite literally rip you apart with one hand, and I didn't!" I shout. "I've been treated like a rabid dog ever since I came to Mystic Falls. I was locked up for two years Landon. Two years! So don't tell me that you don't deserve to be at The Salvatore School cause you do! You have to have some supernatural ability and it's about time we figure it out."

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