#2. Hulk (2003)

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Ironically, the 2003 version of Hulk was the first time I was introduced to the Green Goliath. Later on in my years, I got to see Hulk for how cool he really is. And the 2003 movie didn't age well. The CGI Hulk sadly doesn't hold up to Modern CGI. It's definitely dated. And not a good dated. It's ironic because two years prior, I saw Shrek, and the CGI to that still holds up, ditto Antz. Admittedly, I own some of the 2003 merchandising. I got a Hulk pillow and a Hulk action figure. And I can say that those stuff have more personality than Eric Bana's portrayal of Bruce Banner. I often forget that Eric Bana used to be a comedian. Sadly, he shows no comedic chops in this smash of a train wreck. There are some moments in the film that are cool, like the way Hulk trashes the military weapons. But the rest... All I can say is thank God for Mark Ruffalo. The most frustrating part about all this is we can't get a solo Mark Ruffalo Hulk movie because Universal still owns the distribution rights! But let's talk about this brief cameo. We actually get two cameos for the price of one. Not only do we get Stan The Man, but we also get Lou Ferrigno! I know what you're thinking, who's Lou Ferrigno? Well, Lou was the first live action actor to play the Hulk. He played him in the 1978 Incredible Hulk TV Series. He's a landmark in the Hulk franchise, and has even voiced him several times. To modern people, he voiced Billy on Adventure Time. While Hulk (2003) had its problems, Stan and Lou's cameo was a nice nod. And it wouldn't be the last time we'd see them appear in a Hulk film. While I was able to find Stan's 2008 cameo, I couldn't find Lou's.

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