Space Jam

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Remember when I said Bugs Bunny holds a special place in my heart? Well let's go from something recent and modern to something that was a great part of my childhood. Space Jam. Now that film was my favorite Looney Tunes movie growing up. I have a total soft spot for this film. Why? I'll give plenty of reasons. I love Looney Tunes. It introduced me to such things as Michael Jordan, Wayne Knight, Lola Bunny, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Shawn Bradley, Larry Johnson, Muggsy Bogues, R. Kelly, I could go on. Plus it was released the same year I was born. The animation was great, the voice acting was good, and Michael Jordan was a decent actor in the film. It got me to appreciate Nikes, basketball, and the Looney Tunes. I will credit Space Jam as the main reason my original character Robin Warner even exists. I owe a lot to Space Jam. And I know a lot of my friends have a soft spot for this product of its time. It was a financial success, however I did not realize that it was mostly shameless product placement. And I never realized it received such negative reviews. The harshest and heaviest of criticisms came from my idol and cartoon hero, Chuck Jones. He said the film was terrible, and the story was deeply flawed. He said, and I quote, "I can tell you, with the utmost confidence, Porky Pig would never say 'I think I wet myself.' Had the film been more true to the source material, Bugs Bunny would not have enlisted the help of Jordan or the other Looney Tunes characters to defeat the Monstars, and moreover, it wouldn't have taken him an hour and a half. Those aliens, whether they were tiny or colossal, would've been dealt with in short order come the seven minute mark." He especially hated Lola Bunny. It's a lot of food for thought to come out of someone I have the greatest of respect for. If he were alive and met me, he'd probably consider me a childish fool for liking something he considered an insult to the legacy of his friends and cohorts. Some professional critics may as well have agreed with him. Some cynics have said that MJ couldn't act out of a paper bag. Well I think he's a better actor than Bruce Jenner. I know that's not saying much, and true, I sound like a dumb millennial hung up on nostalgia, but I love Space Jam. It will hold a special place in my heart as my favorite Looney Tunes film, and no one, not even Chuck Jones, Nostalgia Critic, or Joe Dante, will ever change my mind.

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