Tagged Challenge

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So jackie_blossom0304 tagged me in a challenge, and it only seems fair that I do the challenge. Here we go.

 Here we go

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1. Name? Anthony Bernard Garcia, but I like being called Tony.
2. Height? 6'3.5
3. Favorite band? Kiss.
4. Have any pets? Not anymore. :(
5. Last song you heard? Okay, this was for a commercial.

6. Self harmed? No.
7. Do you ever want to get married? Yes.
8. Do you like Chinese food? If it's made well.
9. Ever been to a bonfire party? No.
10. What's your biggest fear? Snakes that are large enough to eat crocodiles. That's nightmare fuel. And accidentally getting my wrists slit, therefore causing me to bleed out until it's too late. That's kind of my biggest fear too. Fucked up way to go.
11. Afraid of losing someone? Yes.
12. Do you have trust issues? Yes. Having a toxic friend does that. And so does being used by your girlfriend only to have her dump you for some ugly old fuck does that too.
13. Do you regret anything from your past? Yeah. This meme also expresses this perfectly.

 This meme also expresses this perfectly

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14. Something you hate about yourself? The fact that I still can't fucking drive.
15. Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments? I like compliments.
16. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength? It depends on the circumstances. I believe it's okay to cry if you're grieving or if you've been struggling to stay strong for so long. Everyone has their limits.
17. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? My dad.
18. Who is the one person in the world who knows you best? Once again, my dad. He did make me. And he hangs out with me the most.
19. If you're extremely quiet, what does it mean? That I'm thinking or listening to something.
20. If you had one day left to live, what would you do? Spend time with my family, give them closure. I probably wouldn't make amends with the ones I've severed ties with. It would be like opening a can of worms, and I bet they couldn't care less if I were dead.

But yeah, that's the challenge. I don't think I'll tag anyone.

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