Evan Almighty

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You know, I thought I was done with this novel. A goodbye tribute to Stan Lee would have been a good way to end this novel. How can I top something like that? But, creativity never dies. And I just had to go on. It ain't over until I say it's over. And now, I go back to talking about movies I like that everyone else hates.

I love Steve Carell. That dude is so funny! The first time I ever saw him was when he voiced Hammy The Squirrel in Over The Hedge. And man, was he hilarious in that movie! A lot of people say his performance as Gru in the Despicable Me franchise is great, and I won't lie, it's a good voice performance, but I favor Hammy over Gru. That's how much I love the film. When I saw the trailer to Evan Almighty, I thought it was funny! Remember, I was 10 years old. With Evan turning into Noah of Noah's Ark, it reminded me of The Santa Clause. I know, weird comparison. But I wanted to see it. So I saw it in theaters with my mom and sister. And I thought it was great. I should mention, this would also be the first time I saw Morgan Freeman in a movie. Now, I didn't know this was a spinoff/sequel to the Jim Carrey comedy Bruce Almighty. But Morgan Freeman did such a great job as God. As a fellow Catholic, I don't know what God looks or sounds like. But that's always the best surprise in my humble opinion. God can be anyone.

Anyway, Evan Almighty was one of the most expensive comedies ever made on a budget of $175 million, that is until Men in Black 3 overthrew that record on a budget of $215-225 million! Unlike MIB3, Evan Almighty sadly didn't beat its budget. And I saw it twice in theaters! Not only that, but it received negative reviews from critics, earning a 23% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Well I have to disagree with the mean spirited criticism. I thought it was an enjoyable modern retelling of Noah's Ark, and I liked it. Besides, it's a lot better than that stupid over the top anti-biblical Darren Arronofsky Noah film nobody asked for. How does anti-biblical garbage like that get positive reviews, while a harmless comedy like Evan Almighty get hated? Some people just don't have a sense of humor. Well I liked Evan Almighty. And that's all I have to say about that.

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