Top 3 Great Stan Lee cameos in otherwise mediocre/bad Marvel Movies

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As everyone knows by now, Stan Lee is dead. It's a sentence I never thought I'd write. Like many Marvel fans, I am devastated by his death. Never has there been a more devastating loss since Robin Williams died. Stan and his Marvel Men created many characters that have connected to all of us, regardless of our age, gender, race, ideology, political belief, and / or religious belief and / or practice. Whenever I watched a Marvel Movie and Stan appeared, the movie was always worthwhile. Even if the film wasn't grand, at least Stan added some good humor to make it a little better. Yes, even Marvel has had duds. For every Infinity War, there's a FANT4STIC (2015). And yeah, Stan made a cameo in some of those duds. To be fair, since this is a novel about films I like that everyone else hates, of course there are Stan Lee cameos that I like. Some of these cameos in these bad Marvel movies are actually funny sometimes. They provide a good chuckle sometimes. And I'm going to list my top three favorite Stan Lee cameos that are great in otherwise bad Marvel movies. I'm going to have to make these separate chapters, so that's what I'm going to do. But before I start this list, I'm going to do an honorable mention. The honorable mention is Stan Lee's cameo in X-Men Apocalypse.

Now Stan didn't make that many cameos in the Fox X-Men films. As of 2018, he made appearances in the first X-Men film, the 3rd, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse, and this one short with Deadpool called No Good Deed. The Deadpool cameos were the only cameos in which Stan spoke. The rest of them are all silent. His cameo in Apocalypse is so short, you might ask me, why did you mention it here? Well that's simple. This cameo also features Stan's wife Joan. In a way, Joan contributed a lot to Marvel as well. She encouraged Stan to create the Fantastic Four. She even voiced Madame Web in the 1994 Spider-Man cartoon. They say behind every good man is a great woman. And Joan was Stan's best friend in a way, his muse, and his companion. This cameo is more bittersweet because a year later, (before I forget, X-Men Apocalypse was released in 2016) Joan passed away. So it would be a sin to not mention this bittersweet cameo in which it's the last time we ever see Stan and Joan together. I can at least take comfort in the fact knowing that at least Stan is with Joan again. Anyway, on to the countdown!

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