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Hoseok sighed, setting down his last box in his new home. It was a bit small but bigger than his apartment that he had to share with two other boys. Not that he minded, he loved Jungkook and Jimin to death but when they brought their boyfriends it wasn't the best.

He sighed again as he went to close up his car, he looked over to his neighbor and his breath hitched.

At the window, he saw a boy, maybe a bit older than him at the window. His hair was black which was a nice contrast to his pale skin.

It looked like he was drawing or maybe writing...Hoseok wasn't sure but he decided he needed to meet his neighbors soon anyways.

He went back in to start unpacking for his bedroom and kitchen. While doing so he jammed out to Got7 as he was listening to Hard Carry at the moment.

He jumped to the beat as he put his clothes in his new dresser. His mattress should be coming today, as he hoped but he didn't mind sleeping on his couch.

When he was done unpacking his necessities he decided on meeting his neighbor across from him.

He hummed as he walked out of the door and glanced across the street to see the same boy still at the window.

Hoseok shrugged as he went over and knocked on the window. The boy jumped looking at Hoseok eyes wide.

He smiled and waved which the boy gave him a small smile and wave back.

"Can I come in?" Hoseok asked loudly, pointing to the front door that had a ramp leading up to it.

The boy's small smile fell as he shook his head.

"Oh...ok? I'm Hoseok, your new neighbor over there." He gestured to his house. "Can...I have your number? It's a bit...awkward talking through the window."

The boy shrugged, leaning to get his phone and looked back up to him. Hoseok grabbed a piece of paper to write his number down and put it up against the glass.

The boy smiled at this and types away at his phone and Hoseok soon got a text.

Unknown Number:
(A/N: It's emojis all over again 😂)

Hoseok smiled, texting back.

Hello! 😆 I'm Hoseok. What's your name?

The boy looked at his phone and texted back.

Unknown Number:
Yoongi 🙂

A/N: Welcome to my new fanfic. This book will be different and I'd like to express that in no way am I trying to be offensive to anyone.

This story has nothing to do with the real-life members of BTS. I do not wish for anything like what I write in this story to happen in real life. This is an alternate universe and shall be viewed that way. Thank you for your understanding. Please enjoy my book and continue to send love to the wonderful group.

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