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Yoongi and Hoseok sat quietly in the hospital waiting for Yoongi to be taken into the surgical room.

"Hobi?" Yoongi finally asked.

"Yeah?" Hoseok answered looking up at him. He was fiddling with his fingers.

"I... I'm scared." He said with a shaky voice.

Hoseok softened, "Hey, nothing to worry about. You'll be put to sleep and the surgery will be done before you know it."

Yoongi cracked a small smile, "I know. I just..." he sighed, "I can't believe I'm actually here.. Doing this of all things." He chuckled.

Hoseok smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, "I can't believe it either but your so brave to do it."

Yoongi smiled widely, "It's all thanks to you. You give me the strength to go for this."

Hoseok kissed his forehead, "I love you."

Yoongi looked to him, "I love you too."

"Mr. Min?" They heard. They looked up to see Seokjin.

"I'll be assisting Dr. Kim and his team with your procedure today. We are ready to go." He smiled warmly.

Yoongi tensed which Hoseok noticed. "Babe, you got this." He said.

"I-Is it possible for him to be in there? Until I fall asleep? Please?" Yoongi asked.

Seokjin smiled, "Sure but make sure to wash your hands and put on a face mask, and gloves."

Hoseok nodded, following orders as Yoongi was carted away. After Hoseok got ready he stepped in next to Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled nervously. "You look great." He chuckled.

"Alright so we're going to put the anesthetic in." Dr. Kim said.

Yoongi quickly grabbed Hoseok's hand, gripping it for dear life, showing he was truly scared.

The mask goes on and Hoseok distracted him by talking about random stuff until he feels his hand go limp.

"Alright, he's asleep. Thanks Hoseok. You can go into the waiting room or we can call you when we're done." Seokjin smiled.

"I'll wait. Take good care."

"We always do." Dr. Kim said as Hoseok left the room. He sat down on the chair, watching whatever k-drama was on and soon drifted to sleep.

He felt himself being shook as he awoke. "Whaaat?" He whined, opening his eyes to notice he was at the hospital.

"I wanted to tell you the surgery went very well."

Hoseok looked up to see Seokjin smiling back at him. "Dr. Kim! Oh, thank you! When can I see him?"

"Now if you want, just be quiet. Come, he moved to recovery." The two walked to a new room and Hoseok washed his hands again before entering the quiet room.

Yoongi looked so angelic and peaceful despite being attached to many wires. He smiled, bringing a chair over to the bed.

"Hey Yoongi. I heard the surgery went well. I'm so proud of you. I can't wait until you wake up." He sighed, taking Yoongi's hand into his.

With the quiet steady heartbeat in the background, he found himself falling asleep once again.

"Hoseok?" He heard, being shaken awake again.

"What?" He asked, looking up to see Jungkook.

"Kook? What're you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm close friends with Namjoon, ya know after we broke up?" Jungkook chuckled. "He told me about the surgery about it being for you. Did you not notice that he was your doctor?"

Hoseok blinked, he did think Dr. Kim was familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Oh... That explains it."

"He still asleep?" He asked, bringing another chair over next to him.

Hoseok sighed, looking over to Yoongi, "Yeah but it's better that way. He'll probably be in a lot of pain."

Jungkook nodded, "Yeah but he'll be a lot of pain killers at first."

They heard the door open to see Seokjin. Jungkook tensed a little.

"Ah, Dr. Kim."

Seokjin looked at the two kinda awkwardly but then smiled, "How's Yoongi doing?" He asked, getting his clipboard out.

"He's just been sleeping so I guess good." Hoseok stated.

Seokjin nodded, checking a few things. "O-Okay well, I'll be going back to the office."

"How's things going with Namjoon?" Jungkook asked, making Seokjin stop from leaving.

"It's good. I hope you're doing well?" He asked.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and cracked a smile, "I'm doing well, thanks. Glad things are well between you guys. Let's be friends, Jin."

Jin smiled, "I'd like that."

A/N: Hey guys here's the update. I'm thinking two more chapters and this will finally be over.

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