Let's Talk... Again

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After talking to his friends, Hoseok found himself parking in Yoongi's driveway.

"Alright, you can do this." He said to himself as he got out and knocked on the door.

Yoongi's mom answered the door, "Hey, you looking for Yoongi?"

"Yes, is he available?" Hoseok asked.

"He is. Come on in." She smiled, letting him in. "I'll go get him for you dear. Just sit at the table." Mrs. Min left as Hoseok sat down. He fiddled with his fingers as he waited in silence.

"Hey." He heard, looking up to see Yoongi roll in.

"Hi." He smiled nervously.

"I'll just leave for a bit. I have to go buy some milk anyways." Mrs. Min smiled, quickly leaving the two alone.

"So..." Yoongi started, dragging the 'o'. "What did you want to talk about?"

Hoseok sighed, "I just wanted to apologize for everything. I feel like I wasn't making myself clear with this surgery. I never wanted you to think I didn't want you to do it. I just wanted to make sure you were thinking about it properly."

"Right. I have thought about it. I mean, there's not much to think about! The more you think, the more fear can get in your head." Yoongi stated, "I don't want to fear, I want to tackle this head on. I understand the risks but... I just want to walk again."

Hoseok smiled, "It would be amazing to see you walk again. Heck, we can dance together! That would be amazing!"

Yoongi smiled too, "You'd have to teach me how."

"I'd love to."

So, after setting many things up for the future, Yoongi was set to get the surgery done next week.

"Can you just imagine it? My mom can finally go back to being a vet. I can finally walk and bathe without relying on anyone. We can walk together, hand in hand." Yoongi listed many things he was excited for.

"How about we make a list? That way when you can we can do each one." Hoseok advised.

Yoongi smiled, "Sounds good. Oh, Hoseok I'm so excited." His rare gummy smile shown bright as his eyes simmered.

Hoseok was happy to see that smile again. "I love it when you smile." He said as he parked.

Yoongi blushed a bit, "Thanks..."

The two went inside and cuddled up at the tv watching movie after movie and soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

In his sleep he dreamed of running and dancing around with Yoongi. Both smiling as they spun.

~ ~ ~ ~


Jungkook looked up to see Taemin at his table. He just got done with his shift so he was relaxing before going home.

"Hey. Taemin, right?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, can I sit here?" He asked.


He soon saw Taehyung come over with two coffees and two pastries. "Your order of a caramel macchiato and french vanilla coffee with two raspberry pastries?"

Jungkook blushed seeing the boy so close. He usually came to replace him with his shift but does sometimes work with him.

Jungkook can't hide the fact of how freaking sexy the elder was but knew his chances were low with him. Rumor around the cafe is he has a girlfriend.

"Thanks Taehyung. Say, when do you have off?" Taemin asked.

"Usually on Saturdays unless they need me. Why?" He responded.

"Well Jungkook and I were going to go out to see a movie and was wondering if you wanted to join us?"

Jungkook looked at Taemin in surprise. 'What the hell are you doing?' He mouthed.

Taemin didn't pay much attention as he waited for a response.

"Sure, I love movies!"

Who knew Taemin was going to ditch Jungkook on Saturday saying that he caught some flu. "Yeah fucking right." He muttered.

"Jungkook! Hey!" He heard, looking up and chocked. Taehyung was dressed to perfection and he has to stop himself from drooling.

"H-hi Taehyung."

"Where's Taemin?" He asked, looking around.

"He came down with the flu apparently."

Taehyung pouted a bit, "Oh that stinks." Then he smirked leaning closer to Jungkook, "That means I have you all to myself."

Jungkook felt like he was the sun as he bit back a squeal, "Right, we should get going before the movie starts." He quickly walked to the theater. He felt a hand in his.

He looked at it, seeing Taehyung holding his hand, "I don't want to lose my date." Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook just nodded, unable to say anything and ordered the tickets. "Do you want popcorn or something?"

Taehyung smiled, "I love popcorn." Jungkook nodded, ordering popcorn and two sodas. They sat in their seats waiting for the movie to start.

"So, we don't usually get to talk as our shifts are different. As you know, my name's Taehyung. I'm 22 years old. I hope to one day be an actor or model. You?"

"Um... my name's Jungkook and I just turned 21. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do in the future yet. I like to game and sing. I'm also into sports. So, I'll see what happens."

Taehyung nodded, "Sometimes it's best to have a wide selection of options. You have a lot of time to figure things out."

Jungkook felt not as nervous as before, almost as he relaxed talking to him.

The movie started and the two ate the popcorn, brushing hands once in a while. Jungkook made sure to sneak in a few glances, smiling at how cute Taehyung looked gaping up to the screen as the movie went on. Once the popcorn was done and the movie was over the two left the theater.

"That was really fun!" Taehyung smiled brightly making Jungkook's heart flutter. He loved his smile. How his smile almost looked like a box.

"It was. Thanks for coming." Jungkook simply said.

"I hope we can do this again."

"With Taemin coming next time." Jungkook said, feeling his heart sink. He forgot this was a friend get-together.

Taehyung stopped walking, "No."

"No?" Jungkook repeated, stopping as well.

"I told you, this way I have you all to myself." Taehyung almost whispered as he leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. He put a piece of paper in Jungkook's hand as he just stared at the boy. "Now you have my number. Text me sometime." He winked and left.

Jungkook finally came back in reality. 'Holy shit he kissed my cheek!'

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