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Yoongi sighed, looking at his finished sketch. He smiled seeing how the drawing portrayed the beautiful scenery outside.

Taking in air, he chooses to go get some food. He grabbed his wheels and wheeled himself out to the kitchen.

"Hello dear. What's up?" His mother asked, looking up from her computer.

Yoongi gave her a small smile, "Just getting lunch. Do we have leftovers?"

His mom thought, "I think we have some chicken. Want me to get it?"

"No, I can get it. I will need a glass though if you don't mind."

"Not at all. I needed a break anyways." His mom walked to the kitchen and Yoongi sighed.

He knew his mom was just trying to help but it hurt when she always asked. Just because he's in a wheelchair doesn't mean he can't do anything.

He went to the fridge and bent down to grab the chicken and went to the microwave to heat it up.

He heard silverware drop and saw a fork on the floor. He must have knocked it over when he was at the microwave.

He bent down, gripping his chair with one hand to try and reach down past his legs and sighed in defeat.

"Mom, I dropped a fork. Can you get it?"

His mom looked up from pouring a glass of water and smiled, "Sure, honey. I'll get you a new one. Just take your food to the table when it's done."

Yoongi nodded, grabbing his chicken and wheeled over to the open spot at the table.

While digging in his mind wondered. He missed his legs, not that he really used them. He sometimes wished he could turn back time to stop the accident that took the life of the people who crashed into him.

Sighing, he looked down at his barely touched food, finding he wasn't that hungry anymore.

"Yoongi? You ok?" His mother asked as she sat next to him.

His mother left her job with no second thought as she now works at home as a tax accountant. Yoongi knew it was because of him she left the field she loved. She tried to say how she wanted something different but he knew deep down she missed it.

"Just not as hungry as I thought." He pushed the plate away from him.

"Yoongi...please try to eat more." His mother pushed the plate back.

Yoongi sighed, forcing food into his system. He wondered how different this might have been if the accident took his life. His mom wouldn't have to stop being a veterinarian.

He forced all of it down and downed the water. "Thanks mom. I'm going back to my room."

Yoongi started to wheel himself back but stopped when his mom called him.

"I was thinking we should go shopping. Just the two of us. You should get more clothes and I think you're running out of art supplies."

Yoongi didn't really want to go but he knew it was good to be out of the house. And besides, he knows his mom will get him the wrong supplies.

"Ok..." He said, going back to his room. He looked around it, seeing his medical bed.

It wasn't the most comfortable thing but it helped his mom get him in bed. He's still learning how to use his arms but he wished he could have his legs back.

He looked down at the lifeless legs as he felt tears build up in his eyes. He pounded on his legs as he sobbed. "Damn it, move!" He yelled, pounding on them. He felt the pounds but it wasn't painful as his nerves were shot from his waist down.

Yoongi stopped and sobbed, wishing he could be dead. He was just in the way. Through his tears he heard his phone ding. He picked it up.

You ok?

Yoongi looked up out his window to see Hoseok at his mailbox. When the boy saw him, he waived.

Yoongi felt his lips tug up a bit, the boy's smile was contagious. He texted back.

I am ok now. Thanks

I hope some day we can do something together. Your a cool dude

Yoongi smiled, feeling his heart break. Hoseok will find him disgusting. He'll find it hard to deal with Yoongi being paralyzed and move from his life.

Thanks, but I don't think that's possible


Because you'll prob hate me...

How can I hate someone who is my friend?

Yoongi froze, not believing for one second this boy saw him as a friend.

A/N: Edited this as there were some grammar mistakes. XD

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