Let's Talk

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Hoseok sat at the therapy room waiting for Yoongi to be done, as per usual. He started hating the therapy sessions as Yoongi was always sad afterwards. Don't get him wrong, he loves cuddling Yoongi but he could tell Yoongi was getting worse.

No improvements, no nothing. It seemed as nothing was getting better. He knew it was needed but he couldn't take it anymore. His boyfriend was screaming on the inside and he wasn't listening.

"Are you friends of Mr. Min?" He heard, looking up to see a lady who worked there.

"Yeah?" Hoseok answered.

"Well, I have news for you. I talked it over with Yoongi. There's a new surgery out that has a possibility on helping paralyzed people. There's even tech out there to help people walk again."

Hoseok listened while taking the paper she handed him, "What did Yoongi say?"

"He seemed hesitant at the offer. I won't lie to you, sometimes it makes things worse. Sometimes it doesn't do anything. The surgery is risky." She said, not hiding anything.

Hoseok bit his bottom lip, it sounded risky. "I mean is there a way we can talk to a doctor to see what our options are?"

She smiled, "Yes, I know one personally. He's very smart and his team is very talented. He's actually the one who told me about it. I can give you his card?"

"That would be great." Hoseok said, grabbing the card.

Dr. Kim Namjoon
xxx-xxx-xxxx ext xxxx

Hoseok was going to ask Yoongi after the session. He didn't want to push him any further with the issue. What if it would get worse and he'd be fully paralyzed? Without knowing, he started biting at his nails in worry.

"You know, that's a bad habit." Yoongi said as he rolled to him.

Hoseok stopped, "Sorry just was thinking. Come on." He pushed Yoongi to his car like usual and made it to his house. His mom was out today for a meeting and then was meeting up with some friends afterwards, so they had the house to themselves.

"So, the doctor talked to me today about a surgery..." Hoseok started as they ate.

"Yeah, she told me about it too. What about it?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, would you be interested in talking to one of the doctors? She said they're talented. I mean, we can just talk and then say no?"

Yoongi sighed, "I mean... I guess? I'm just worried. She told me how risky it was."

"Yeah, I know. But, wouldn't it be great to walk again?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi's eyes glossed over, "I mean... Yeah, it would. But, Hoseok, what if it goes wrong? What if I can never walk again? Or worse?!" He started crying which made Hoseok quickly run to his side.

"Shh, I'm sorry. I know it's scary. That's why I was thinking if we talked to the doctor we can get a better understanding on what we're getting into. You can back out at any time." He said, making sure Yoongi understood that.

"But... what about the price? I mean, it's probably real expensive." Yoongi asked.

"We can worry about that then." Hoseok answered, kissing his cheek. "Come on, finish your meal."

Yoongi cracked a small smile, finishing his meal and went to his room.

"You tired already?" Hoseok asked as he followed him.

"No, just was going to grab some movies I had in my room. We could watch some of my favorites." He said, grabbing a few DVDs that were in his bedside table.

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