Being Sick

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Hoseok sneezed, waking his body up in a quick alert. He was still on the couch from last night as he remembered Yoongi put him through watching It. Though after it, as an apology, he put on a Disney movie. He must have fallen asleep through Tangled.

Yoongi was nowhere to be seen but as soon as he heard the toilet flush, he knew where he was. Though when Hoseok tried to sit up, his head felt heavy. It was pounding and hurt. Damn it he was sick.

He had to help Yoongi still, so sucking up his pain he slowly got up and miraculously (A/N: Miraculous! Simply the best! Up to the test when things go wrong~ ... I'll leave) made it to the kitchen.

Hoseok felt heavy. His head hurt plus he felt dizzy. He couldn't focus so he decided on getting cereal. Once he got it he brought to the table and leaned on the chair. It was hard to find balance when you felt like you were on a boat.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asked, rolling out to his seat to start eating.

Hoseok smiled through his pain, "Yep! I'm alright! No need to worry."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow to this, already knowing something was up. "Right... Whatever you say."

Hoseok made his way to the bathroom, quickly getting some medicine for his head. Sighing, he gulped them down hoping it would be quick relief. He then made his way back to the kitchen to see Yoongi already done with his food and bringing his bowl to the sink.

"I could've gotten that." Hoseok said, grabbing a bowl for him to make some oatmeal.

"I can bring my own plate to the sink thanks." Yoongi said, wheeling out to the livingroom. Hoseok made some oatmeal and slowly ate it. His stomach wasn't really having it but it was something.

After cleaning the dishes, he made his way back to the livingroom, stumbling to the couch.

"What's with you? You seem weird." Yoongi asked, grabbing the tv remote.

"I'm ok, Yoongi. Sorry just lost my balance."

"Then why do you look so pale?" He asked.

"Because I almost fell! Of course that's scary!" Hoseok said angrily as he crossed his arms.

"Hoseok...what's wrong?" Yoongi asked, setting the remote down.

"Nothing! I told you nothing is wrong!" Hoseok said, quickly making his way to the couch. It was a mistake on his part as his vision seemed to get fuzzy. He lost his footing and toppled backwards, landing harshly on his butt.

"Hoseok?! Holy shit, are you ok?" Yoongi asked, wheeling himself closer.

"I'm... I'm fine. Sorry I-" Hoseok said but felt a cold hand on his forehead.

"Y-You're burning up! Hoseok! My god why didn't you tell me you had a fever!" Yoongi said.

His gig was up as he looked down at his lap in defeat, "I... I still wanted to help you..."

"Hoseok, I can do most things on my own. Please go rest."

"N-no! I need to help you! What if you fall? What if you have a muscle spasm?! What if-"

"Hoseok!" Yoongi cut him off. "I'm going to be ok...." He smiled. "Please get some rest. If it makes you feel any better you can rest on the couch. If I need you I can call out for you."

Hoseok thought about it. "Ok...but if you need me don't hesitate to call me. No matter how dumb it is!"

"Deal, now go rest! I'll go get you a water bottle and bin just in case."

Hoseok sat down on the couch, feeling bad for making Yoongi take care of him. "Did you take medicine already?"

"Yeah, I took something for my head." Hoseok answered, taking the water and placed the bin close by. Yoongi carted away and let Hoseok by himself. He wanted to get up again. He knew he had to...

As much as Yoongi denied it, he knew he needed help. Hoseok sighed, drinking some water. "Here." He heard. He saw Yoongi come out with blankets and a pillow.

"I really don't need any rest, Yoongi. I'm fine."

Yoongi shook his head, "Please get some rest... For me?"

Hoseok felt his heart thump against his chest and sighed. Yoongi had him wrapped around his finger. "Okay... But only for a few hours, ok?"

Yoongi smiled widely, making Hoseok want to melt right there. His gummy smile that was so rare to see, shining in all its glory just from a small moment like this. It made Hoseok want to cry.

Here he was struggling to take care of Yoongi when Yoongi was really the one taking care of him. Hoseok never had much patience with people, making teaching hard. Throughout the days he helped Yoongi, he noticed himself become more patient.

Secondly, he never was one for falling in love with someone... but again, here was Yoongi tucking him in on the couch and kissing his forehead, making him so happy by just a small gesture... Hoseok was in love with him.

Lastly, Hoseok never took many things for granted. If he hurt himself he knew he'd be fine in a few days and go all out again with dancing. Yoongi helped him realize that moments like those can be swallowed up by the smallest thing. Yoongi was sitting here on his chair, not complaining for one second that he couldn't walk; not even joking the fact that he can't be much of help... Hoseok saw Yoongi as someone much stronger than most.

"Yoongi?" He said, making the boy turn to him.


"I'm really sorry."

"For what?" He asked, moving closer to him to brush his bangs out of his face.

"For making this such a big problem. I could've just stayed on the couch and rest... but I didn't."

Yoongi chuckled, "That's you for sure. Making something small become something big." He played with his hair with a small smile, "You try your best no matter your feelings. You try to put people before you. You try to make them smile even though your hurting on the inside.

Hoseok, you would put your life in danger for a total stranger."  He said, wiping tears that were falling down his face, "I know this because it's who you are."

Hoseok was quiet, listening to Yoongi. "But it's okay to be selfish. It's okay to want things for yourself. Just because I'm in a wheelchair doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. You have to take care of yourself too."

Hoseok sat up to be eye level with him. "But I am selfish! I'm too selfish. I took this job to try and become closer than you... I pushed myself into your life just so I could know you! You didn't even want me to know you a month ago."

"I know." Yoongi smiled softly. "I was scared... But that's not being selfish. You were trying to be a friend. I'm glad you were because I never imagined my life like it is right now."

Hoseok smiled back, bringing his hand up to Yoongi's cheek to wipe away the few tears that were there. "I never imagined my life where it is either. You've changed me so much Yoongi. For the good! A-And..." Hoseok sniffled, finding himself crying too. "I love you so god damn much."

Yoongi smiled too, bringing his hand to Hoseok's cheek to wipe his tears away. "I love you so god damn much too. So much that it scares me. But I'm not going anywhere."

"And neither am I." Hoseok smiled, leaning in to kiss Yoongi. He was quick to put a finger on his lips and push him back.

"Not while you're sick. I don't think I want to go through all that again."

Hoseok chuckled, "Right." He fell back on the sofa and closed his eyes. Yoongi played with his hair, helping him fall asleep.

"Sleep well, Hoseok."

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

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