First Day

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Hoseok drives to work to start his classes. He teaches young kids today with the basics of jazz and Wednesday he teaches ballet.

He loved kids and loved watching them work hard to dance. After a few hours, he had another class with older kids and then he was driving back home.

He parked in Yoongi's driveway and sighed. Today Yoongi's mom was going to run through how to help Yoongi with carrying him.

He walked in seeing his mom cleaning some dishes and saw Yoongi at the table.

"Oh, your here." She smiled, making Yoongi look up from the table.

"Hoseok? Mom what's going on?"

His mom ran him down about her trip and how Hoseok would help him and stuff.

"Right... I think I'll be ok." He said going out of the room.

"Sorry, dear he takes things harshly. He'll be ok." His mom said running Hoseok down each room in the house.

The two of them were in the living room when they heard a huge thud.

"Yoongi?" His mom ran to the room and Hoseok looked at shock to see the boy on the floor.

"Sorry..." He whispered.

Ms. Min sighed, going to Yoongi and helped him up on the bed by lifting him under his arms. He sat on his bed, looking down to his hands.

"You ok? Nothing hurts?"

"No, I'm fine. Just slipped when I was trying to get on my bed. Sorry."

Hoseok felt bad for Yoongi, knowing it must be hard for him to have someone else in the house with all of this. It must be a bit embarrassing.

After other stuff Hoseok was able to leave and drove over to his house. He was nervous for tomorrow but he was given the trust to watch Yoongi and he will not let Ms. Min down.

Hoseok came the next day to do breakfast using the key Ms. Min gave him. He entered to start some oatmeal.

According to her, Yoongi doesn't eat a lot for breakfast. So after the mush was done he went back to his room.

He knocked. "Come in." He opened the door to see Yoongi already awake, well almost awake... He looked like he just woke up.

"Breakfast is ready. Want it in bed?"

"Yeah, the less you have to move me is fine. No offense I just don't really trust you yet."

Hoseok felt a little hurt at that but understood. "No worries I understand. I'll get it for you."

He grabs a bowl and took it back to Yoongi. "Thanks." Hoseok just stood there, not sure what to do.

"You can sit on my bed. Just not on my legs."

"Oh, thanks...." He sat on the corner, looking around his room. His bed was on the one side of his window with an easel on the other side. He had a desk with drawings.

"You draw really well." He said, looking at his sketches of the smallest things people don't pick up if they are rushing.

He had things like birds, small plants, other animals, and then one with his window and the scenery out of it.

"O-Oh thanks I guess?"

"They are good, so take it as a compliment."

Yoongi chuckled, "Right. Sorry..."

"Its ok. Want more?" He asked when he was done.

"No, I'm good. Thanks though." The two sit in silence.

" what do you want to do?"

"Um I don't know. I usually watch videos at this time."

Hoseok grabbed his laptop for him and set it down. "Thanks."

He opened up his laptop while Hoseok grabbed the bowl and washed the few dishes. Going back he saw Yoongi messaging his shoulder.

"Need help?" He asked which Yoongi nodded. He went up to message the shoulder, feeling his muscle.

"Your very tense. Breath slowly a bit." Hoseok said, Yoongi doing as he was told. Slowly he got the muscle to relax.

Seeing Yoongi have his eyes closed in relaxation, he thought maybe he should do the other side. He did his neck.

"Ah, oh my god Hoseok you're too good at this."

Hoseok chuckled, "Well I am a dancer so I know how to help muscles."

"I'm so glad. Thank you." He smiled. Hoseok's heart thudded.

His smile was adorable. It showed his gums and was so cute. "No problem."

Yoongi's left shoulder all the sudden julted which made Yoongi hiss.

"Quite eager huh?" Hoseok joked.

"Yeah I guess it was." Yoongi said as Hoseok calmed it down like how his mom did before.

"My mom was smart to get you to help. I don't think I've felt this relaxed in ages."

"I'm glad."

A/N: Hey guys! So big news. I'm going to be soon posting a new story and for the first time I'm going to write YoonKook. I'll keep you updated but I plan on posting it in February. :) that's all. See you guys soon!!

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