Feeling of Something

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Warning: Just a small warning things get heated near the end of the chapter but the next chapter will have the continuation. Enjoy!

After two weeks of the same thing with Yoongi, Hoseok noticed he grew attached to the guy. Yoongi had a strange sense of humor plus he was hot.

He decided he should take the boy out somewhere for him not to be cooped up in his house and he wanted the boy to have some fun.

Hoseok noted how sad and lonely Yoongi was with his mom not being there all the time. He wished he could be there forever but he had his job.

"Yoongi?" He called, walking to his room. He gasped, seeing the boy in a huge sweat. He was breathing heavy, eyebrows together in pain.

"Yoongi, hey." He put his hand on his head, feeling it hotter than usual. He ran to get a rag and bucket of cool water. Using it he dabbed at his face to wipe off the sweat.

"You'll be fine soon." He reassured him quietly.

Yoongi turned to him a few minutes later, "H-Hey." He smiled weakly.

"How you feeling?"

"So h-hot." He said. Hoseok nodded, taking a cover off. "Thanks." He smiled, closing his eyes.

"You want some water?" He asked, dabbing his face again.

"Yeah that would be great." Hoseok went to get it. His plans are ruined for today but he didn't care as Yoongi's health was important.

"Here." He gave it to him with pain killers.

"Thanks. I'm sorry about this. You don't have to stay."

"Are you kidding? I'm not keeping you here by yourself."

"Sorry." He said, looking down.

"It's fine Yoongi. Want to try some toast?"


So with some bread, Yoongi was asleep once more as Hoseok busied himself with cleaning the whole house.

He did the dishes, vacuuming, dusting and disinfect many things with bleach.

Later he checked him, noticing he was still asleep. He smiled, walking beside his bed.

He saw his bangs were in his face so he swept them away, running his hand through the boy's hair.

"Mmm." He hummed, lips slightly moving into a small smile.

Hoseok chuckled, finding it cute that Yoongi likes his hair to played with, just like him.

Seeing the small smile, Hoseok felt something. His stomach seemed to bubble. Most people say it's butterflies but he feels fireworks.

Hoseok wanted to treasure it and keep it forever. The look of all worries forgotten as pleasure takes toll. No fears, no troubles, nothing. Just pure relaxation.

"Dad...." He muttered in his sleep. Hoseok stopped all movements.

Yoongi never said anything about his dad, and his mom never brought the subject up. Hoseok wanted to ask but wasn't sure.

He decided to text his mom, asking her if he could plus told her how everything was going.

He wanted her to be stress free so she could focus on her job.

Ms. Min:
The subject is a hit and miss. If he seems to get depressed, brush the subject off for another day. Since he's sick I don't think he would want to talk about it. Make sure to wash his body with his sweat. He doesn't sweat like us.

He tends to get uncomfortable in damp clothes as it irritates his skin so please make sure he gets changed. Got to go to a meeting take care!

Hoseok blinked at the essay his mom gave him but decided to work on lightly wash his body to help him cool down.

He got fresh water and walked back in to see him awake. "Hoseok... I'm so hot." He whispered.

"Yeah, you certainly are." He muttered under his breath, "Yeah your mom told me to help you cool down. I need to wipe you."

"Hmm." Yoongi closed his eyes, too tired and weak to care what he said.

With some help he took off his damp shirt and swallowed hard. No madder how many times he was blessed to see Yoongi like this.

For not doing much exercise other than with his arms, he still had a smoking hot body... literally. His body was hot...

Using the cool rag, he wiped down his chest, trying not to stare. He had amazing arm muscles.

"Is something wrong?" Yoongi asked, looking at him with hooded eyes.

Hoseok felt his jeans get tight. He had to admit, Yoongi was sexy. He wanted to kiss him...

He leaned in, his lips connected to Yoongi's. His lips were soft almost like pillows. He didn't even expect it but Yoongi kissed back.

His hand traveled to the back of Yoongi's hair, tugging it as he went onto the bed.

He needed to stop but he couldn't. His lips were addictive and Yoongi's small peppermint sent was intoxicating.

"Mmmh." Yoongi moaned, arms wrapping around his hips as he opened his mouth.

Hoseok took the welcome, tongue entering and the two danced.

His mind was yelling at him to stop but his body was all on go. The testosterone flooded in his body as he grinded his hips down on Yoongi.

Both moaned, as Hoseok nipped his bottom lip.

"H-Hoseok. F-fuck." Yoongi moaned, nails digging into his hips.

"Y-Yoongi. God I...I can't stop." He said,  kissing a trail to his neck. He bit and sucked at a spot, grinding down again.

Yoongi wined, head tilting back for more access. "I-It's ok. I want it, God I want you. F-fuck."

Hoseok was clouded with so many thoughts as he was given consent. It was all over, he let the want take over.

His hands goasted down to his pants. "Yoongi I like you." He said, sucking at another spot.

"I like you too." He moaned.

So much was happening but Hoseok knew what he was feeling. His heart, body and mind all on the same page.

He loved Yoongi.

A/N: yeah I'm aware it's moving fast but I don't care. For Feb I have two options for books. I posted a poll on my profile but I'll put a poll here too.

Do you want:

~ Color Soulmate TaeKook


~ Blind and Geek AU YoonKook

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