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That night when Yoongi was asleep, Hoseok took it upon himself to call his mom.


"Hey, Ms. Min. It's Hoseok. Do you have a minute, I have an important question for you."

"Yes, I am free for the night but I do need to sleep soon. What is it, dear?"

"It's about Yoongi. Today his back was bothering him so I messaged it. Apparently while doing so I went over a scar and it was very painful for him."

"Ok." Ms. Min said, making him know she was listening.

"When I looked at it, it looks swollen and there's a bruise forming... I asked him about it but he said it was normal?"

"Well yes, after surgery...but he had that done so long ago. Shoot I can't come home until this weekend. Can you take him to his doctor to check it out? He can make the decision from then."

"Of course. I'll call them tomorrow morning before I get Yoongi up to notify them."

"Thank you. Please keep me updated."

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Ms. Min." Hoseok said, soon saying good night and fell asleep on the couch.

When he was awake it was all for emergency. He got things for the doctor as he called Yoongi's doctor.

After explaining what happened the doctor told Hoseok just to get him to the hospital and he'll be over to help.

Hoseok ran into Yoongi's room, getting his clothes ready. He shook him awake.

"What?!" Yoongi finally asked when he was awake.

"Get dressed, we're going to the hospital."

Yoongi froze, "What? No! That's just a waist of money. I'm okay, Hoseok."

Hoseok looked into his eyes, "Then why did both your doctor and your mom tell me to get you to the hospital? If it's nothing I'll pay for the bill.

Yoongi that's not normal for scars. If we don't worry about it you could get seriously injured.

I don't want to lose you already!" Hoseok screamed in his tears.

He surprised himself with his emotions and quickly turned around to wipe them away. Hoseok didn't notice how scared he was.

He knew nothing about surgeries or being paralyzed... But he did know he can't lose Yoongi.

He can't lose the reason he started loving his life.

"Okay..." Yoongi said making him turn around. He already had the loose shirt on and Hoseok helped him with his pants.

He was about to grab Yoongi but he stopped him by gripping his shoulder. Yoongi looked into his eyes.

"Hey... your not going to lose me. I don't want to leave you without a fight." Yoongi pecked his lips, "Your the reason I smile every day, Hoseok.

I haven't been this happy for awhile and I don't want to lose out on it." Yoongi have him a small smile, his eyes shimmering you show he was holding back tears.

Hoseok kissed him on the lips, "Let's get you to the hospital."

So in a few minutes the two were on the road as Hoseok drove. He tried to keep his speeding low as he knew that it would be worse.

Once getting there he pushed Yoongi in and they got him to a room. Apparently, Yoongi's doctor called the hospital ahead of time.

Once he was on a bed, Yoongi grabbed his hand and looked up to him.

"I'm going to be okay." He squeezed his hand.

Hoseok squeezed back, "I know you will be. I love you, Yoongi."

Yoongi gave him his gummy smile, "I love you too."

Hoseok was escorted out as they worked on his examination. He finally let himself sit down in the waiting room, not for one second believing how he got here.

He spent his time looking on his phone how expensive it was to get physical therapy and a better wheelchair.

"Party of Min Yoongi?"

Hoseok sprung up and practically ran over. "Yes? I'm the caregiver and friend of Yoongi. Is he ok?"

"We have some questions. Has he had a lot of muscle spasms in the last month?"

Hoseok nodded, "Probably about once a day. Why?"

The nurse wrote things down, "Does he got to physical therapy?"

" the family doesn't have enough money for that."

The nurse wrote more things down, "That explains it. For someone who has paralysis they need to go to physical therapy almost once a week. That way they can work on the muscle so he doesn't lose it and it also helps the blood circulation.

How long has he been paralyzed?"

Hoseok froze, "Um...I'm not sure. Sorry."

"That's ok. It's a good thing you got him in. He has a blood clot and an infection. We need to reopen his last area to cut the infected skin. Second when we have it opened were will get the blood clot out of there.

He'll heal here first then get transferred to a therapy place. He really needs to work with them because of the blood doesn't circulate, he could fully become paralyzed."

Hoseok was scared, "Is there any bad things about this surgery?"

"Well it could get infected again but we'll make sure to watch it when he's here. He'll go under a deep sleep for a few hours since we are doing two jobs in one.

If course he will have a lot of pain tomorrow as the area will be soft but we will try to help the pain with medicine.

And of course there is a very slim chance, but I have to say it. He could possibly die under the anesthetic but we will monitor him carefully."

"Right. Thank you. I trust him in your hands."

The nurse bowed and went into the room. Without any words, Hoseok broke down crying.

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