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A/N: Just wanted to put out a small warning that it gets a bit steamy near the end of this chapter. No smut as that will be next chapter ;) Enjoy~

"No way am I having you pay for my therapy." Yoongi sternly told Hoseok when he told him his plan to help him walk again.

"I'm paying and that's final!" Hoseok stated.

"No, it's useless anyways! Don't waste money on it."

"It's not useless if it's for you! Yoongi let me pay for it!" Hoseok basically begged.

Yoongi sighed, "You aren't going to take no for an answer... are you?"

"Nope!" Hoseok smiled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I'm dating an idiot." He mumbled but smiled, "But I'm in love with that idiot just the same."

Hoseok felt his heart flutter as he blushed, "Aww, you getting soft on me?" He pinched Yoongi's cheek making him swat at his hands.

"No way." Yoongi said but the two laughed anyways.

Hoseok kissed his forehead, "I love you."

Yoongi pouted, "That's all I get?"

Hoseok chuckled and leaned down to kiss him on the lips.

And as agreed on, Yoongi started therapy after he was released, finding it pretty useless but Hoseok was there urging him to continue. Yoongi found strength in himself with the help of Hoseok. He also found love in him too.

Yoongi always thought he was going to be single forever after the crash, but here he was, cuddling next to his boyfriend after his therapy session. How did he get so lucky?

Yoongi studied Hoseok's sleeping face, tracing it with his hand, forging it into his memory. He was so happy that his mother supported their relationship without a second glance. She hugged them both when she came back home, happy the two were dating.

He never knew how much he leaned on Hoseok for strength and comfort. He relied on the boy so much but in turn, Hoseok relied on him too. So, Yoongi smiled and cuddled into Hoseok's warm body and fell asleep.

Months pass as Yoongi continued the pointless therapy sessions while Hoseok taught the new classes at the dance studio. Yoongi deemed it useless to spend Hoseok's money on therapy as he didn't even feel like it worked. But Hoseok kept urging him to continue each time. Always with the same open hope that maybe something would change.

Yoongi was starting to hate the fact of how much he took from Hoseok but never gave back. He was afraid that soon, Hoseok would cut the thin line that was connecting them. He was scared of losing him.

He sighed, sitting in his chair, sketching whatever was on his mind. He did notice that after his surgery and therapy he hasn't had any muscle spasms. He was very thankful for that end of the bargain.

Yoongi sighed again, looking at his finished sketch of Hoseok. It's all that was on his mind. Hoseok, Hoseok, Hoseok.

"Yoongi! Hoseok's here!" He heard his mom call. He turned around to see Hoseok at his door with a tired smile. It looked like he came right from teaching.

"Hey Hobi." He said, gaining a bright smile. He started calling him Hobi a bit ago and the two loved the nickname.

"Hey Yoongi." He replied back, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"How was dance?"

"It was alright. The kids are having a great time so, it's going well." He said, sitting down on his lap.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around him, resting his chin on his shoulder, "That's good to hear." The two sit in their hug until Hoseok gasped.

"What?" He asked, worried Hoseok forgot something.

"Your drawing! It's beautiful! You didn't have to draw me!" Hoseok said, shocked as he looked at the drawing on his desk. Yoongi mentally facepalmed as he forgot he left it out.

"Thanks... Of course I drew you. You make me happy." Yoongi responded with a small smile.

"Awww." Hoseok hugged him, "You make me happy too."

Yoongi closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's waist. "I love you."

"I love you too." He responded, planting a kiss on his neck. Of course, he didn't stop there.

Hoseok kept kissing his neck, starting to suck some spots too. "H-Hobi." Yoongi stuttered, already feeling his body react as he tilted his head away to give him more access.

Hoseok made a trail down to his special spot, making Yoongi let out a low moan. "H-Hobi. Bed." He got out, moaning again as Hoseok licked up to his ear.

"Whatever my baby demands." He whispered sexually, nipping his earlobe before getting up to carry him over to his bed.

After he was on the bed, Hoseok closed the door to his room, locking it just so his mom didn't come in and looked over to Yoongi who was a mess already. He could see the growing tent in his pants as Yoongi looked to him.

"H-Hoseok. Please." He begged.

"Calm down, Yoongi. I'll make sure you'll enjoy it." He said, tugging at his shirt.

"I love you." Yoongi said before quickly bringing him down to kiss him roughly.

"Love you too." He replied before throwing his shirt off.

And the two fell in their embrace and shared a full day of passion and screams.

A/N: >w< So, yay!!! Here we go! I know I said I was going to be gone for the week but I had to post for Yoongi's birthday!! Of course, the next chapter will have the smut and all that jazz. So yeah, hope you guys enjoyed. I'm thinking of ending this story soon but not yet. There's so much plot that has to be gone through.

So, happy birthday to Yoongi! >w< Hope your day was filled with so much swag! :D

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