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It's been a whole day after the surgery was announced for Yoongi. Hoseok had to go home to shower and such. He also had to pack some clothes for Yoongi for when he gets transferred to the therapy place.

He was getting ready pretty soon since it'll be a month till then but he didn't really have anything better to do.

Hoseok kept his promise and texted Ms. Min about what was going on as he continuously thought about the money.

How will they pay for this? Then he thought of something. Hoseok works and he could get another class... Another class means more money.

Hoseok smiled, knowing what he wanted to do. He called up his boss.


"Yes? Hey, it's Hoseok. I'd like to take you up on your offer for teaching that class."

"Wonderful, I knew you'd take it."

So after ending that call he worked on payments for therapy and also looked to see if the paralysis could be fixed.

Hoseok hoped it would for Yoongi didn't deserve all this. He read stories about how some people got surgery to help with it or with help of therapy.

He was determined to help Yoongi in every way he can.

Yoongi opened his eyes, studying his surroundings. Ah...he's in the hospital. He was there because Hoseok took him there.

Yoongi chuckled, feeling the same old funny feeling with the pain meds they had him on. He wondered if Hoseok was waiting for him.

He heard the door open to see a nurse come in.

"Oh! You're awake. How are you?"

Yoongi just smiled dumbly feeling light as a feather. He wasn't tired but he still felt his eyes close.

Hoseok...come quickly. Please...

"He's awake?!" Hoseok nearly screamed, quickly thanking the doctor on the phone and zooming to the hospital. He made it there in seconds, entering the room quietly.

Yoongi turned to him and gave him a goofy smile. 'He must still be on pain meds.' He thought as he brushed his bangs from his face.

Yoongi held his arms out straight towards Hoseok which made him almost squeal. He lightly hugged him which Yoongi's arms closed around him.

"I'm glad to see your ok, Yoongi." Hoseok barely whispered but Yoongi still heard him.

Yoongi tapped his shoulder to make him look at him. Without words, he leaned in and connected his lips onto Hoseok's.

Hoseok froze for a second not believing he was awake but once felt Yoongi grip his shirt he woke up. He kissed back, tilting his head to go deeper as he felt his whole body explode with fireworks and butterflies galore.

They broke and Hoseok melted seeing Yoongi's gummy smile. "Love you."

Hoseok looked to Yoongi, shocked by those words. Though he smiled, feeling his heart take flight, "I love you too."

A/N: sorry for the short chapter. I'll be away for the week again as we are visiting relatives and that.

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