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To say Yoongi was scared senseless would be an understatement. He talked over the phone a lot with Dr. Kim and was really thinking about the operation. If he could walk again, he'd be able to do things without needing help and his mom can finally go back to the job she loved.

He sighed, sketching on his drawing pad, thinking of the unknown. He did know the risks but Dr. Kim keeps promising that there was a high chance of him walking.

Hoseok didn't seem to be all for it. Did he not want Yoongi to become independent? No, he knew he was just trying to think about Yoongi's health.

He wouldn't break up with him if he did the surgery... right? Yoongi gulped, reaching for his phone to hover over Hoseok's contact. Should he contact him? He's probably busy anyways at his class.

Yoongi sighed, relaxing back into his chair. What was he doing?

~ ~ ~ ~

"Dude, Hoseok, stop. You're driving me mad."

Hoseok stopped tapping his pen against the table he was eating lunch at. He was on break but his mind just flowed in questions. His coworker Taemin breaking him out of his trance.

"Sorry Taemin, just thinking." Hoseok sighed.

Taemin sets his phone down to look at him, "Oh? Want to talk about it?"

"I don't even know where to start, honestly." Hoseok stated.

"Well, do you maybe want to go out for some coffee after work? We can talk then?"

Hoseok smiled a bit, "Yeah, I can go for some calories." The two laugh and clean up their lunch.

"After we shower, I'll meet you at the locker rooms." Taemin then said.

"Sounds good. Thanks Taemin."

So, after dance classes were done, Hoseok showered and met Taemin in the locker rooms as what was agreed upon. He was nervous, to say the least. He didn't know if Taemin would approve of his relationship with a guy.

"Alright, you ready for some caffeine?" Taemin asked when he saw Hoseok.

He put on a smile to try and hide his nerves, "Sure."

Taemin smiled and practically pulled Hoseok to a cafe.

"Hobi?" He heard, looking up to see non-other-than Jungkook at the counter.

"K-Kook? What the hell are you doing here?!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"I just moved to this city like two weeks ago. Namjoon... broke up with me." He nervously said.

"Oh... That sucks, sorry. Well, Jungkook, this is Taemin. He's my coworker and friend here. Um... when do you have a break? I mean, I'd love to catch up with you."

Jungkook smiled, handing him his order, "My shift ends in a few minutes. I'll join you when I can."

So, Hoseok and Taemin sit down and another guy with blond hair came over with two donuts. "Are you the one who ordered two chocolate donuts?" He asked with a very low voice.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for the new batch." Taemin smiled, taking it from the very handsome guy. He nodded and went to the counter.

Hoseok watched as Jungkook blushed a little as he took his spot at the register. Jungkook and Namjoon didn't work out but Hoseok hoped that this small blossoming relationship would.

"Alright, I'm here." Jungkook said, sitting next to Hoseok.

"Who's the blond guy?" Hoseok jokingly elbowed him.

Jungkook blushed red, "N-No one, why?"

"Mhm, whatever you say, Kook." Hoseok smugly smiled as Taemin chuckled at the friends.

"Well, we should talk more about why we were here." Taemin then said, trying to steer the conversation.

"Oh, what's going on?" Jungkook asked.

"Hoseok was kinda out of it for the last two days, so I asked him for a coffee so we can talk about what's on his mind."

"Ah, ok. I'm all ears." Jungkook stated.

Hoseok sighed, "Okay, well I guess I should start from the beginning. When I moved here, I met a boy across the street. He was a bit older than me and I won't lie, he was freakin' hot!"

The two chuckled but still listened.

"So, we kinda got closer and such and well now we're dating."

"Awww." His friends cooed. "That's amazing." Jungkook added.

Hoseok blushed, "Yeah, well that's not really the half of the story. Yoongi's kinda... stuck in a wheelchair because his nerves are shot from the waist down."

"Oh, that sucks." Taemin said, sipping on his coffee.

"Yeah, but we found a doctor who can possibly help him walk again from a new surgery. He's all for it, but I just can't help but worry about all the what-ifs. I mean, this surgery is very risky. Not only can he be in pain for the rest of his life, but he also has a chance of being fully paralyzed, or worse, death!

I just feel like he's not thinking much about it and it worries me. I love him to bits but I don't know how I'd be able to pull him up if he's fully paralyzed. It took so long for me to get him to where he is now." Hoseok sighed.

"Oh, wow. I mean... That is a hard spot." Taemin sighed.

"I mean... My opinion is that you just support his choice. Even though you are thinking about his health, it sounds like your trying to get him scared and not do it." Jungkook said.

Hoseok froze, what if he was right? What if he was making Yoongi think that he wouldn't want him to do it? "Fuck, no that's not what I wanted."

"Dude, I hate saying this, but I think you're making him think you don't want him to walk. We know you do want him to walk, but maybe explain more that you're just thinking of his health."

"I mean, I think he should go for it. If he really wants it and such that's his choice. I know you are just making him think about it but I have a feeling that it'll be ok." Jungkook smiled.

Hoseok nodded, thinking Jungkook was right. "Ok, so how do I fix this? If he really does think that." He bit his nails.

Jungkook took his hand, "Calm down, I'm sure you guys can work it out."

"Yeah, and you better work it out with that blond guy." Hoseok said.

"His name's Taehyung! And nothing's going on with us!" Jungkook whined, blush returning to his cheeks.

Taemin laughs and gets up to the counter. "W-What's he doing?" Jungkook stuttered.

Hoseok shrugged, watching things unfold. He saw Taehyung look over at Jungkook making the boy quickly look down at the table. "To be honest, I'm happy to see you like someone after Namjoon. I'm sorry things didn't work out."

Jungkook smiled a bit, "Yeah, but..." He looked up at Taehyung and the two smiled, "I think I found someone better."

Taemin came back, throwing a slip down towards Jungkook, "Got his number for ya." He smiled smugly.

Jungkook blushed, taking the slip, "T-thanks."

A/N: Hey everyone! Working hard to finish this on a great note so I hope it's going well. No one's really commenting but I'll take the few votes as it's good. >w< Sorry Blind Boy and The Geek isn't updating. School's getting closer and closer so I'm getting stressed XD

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