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There was only two more days left until Yoongi's mom got back. Hoseok was happy to be able to see her again but he was going to miss seeing Yoongi all the time.

Once he was done teaching he went back to the changing area for staff.

"You're doing so well, Hoseok. The kids love you." His manager, Lee Jeewong, said when he left the room.

He smiled to her, "Thank you. I'm glad to hear it." He bowed.

"If you want, we are planning on adding a contemporary class for teens. Let me know if your interested in the next few days, ok?"

Hoseok was shocked to hear that, "I'll definitely think about it. Thank you!" He bowed again.

"No problem, Hoseok. See you Friday."

With that he left to go to Yoongi's place. It became a habit to go straight there after he was done. He didn't mind it as he loved spending time with him.

He came in making a quick meal for lunch and set it on the table. When done he went to get Yoongi.

Opening it quietly he saw Yoongi looking out his window, then down to a piece of paper, drawing.

He quietly hummed as he sketched something. Hoseok felt bad but the food was hot and he didn't want it to get cold. So he knocked to grab his attention.

Yoongi looked up, "Hey. Lunch time already?"

Hoseok smiled back, "Yeah it's ready." He learned quickly how to carry Yoongi one place to another and was glad he did. He picked him up bridal style as he went to his chair.

Once done the two make it out for food. Some questions came to his attention lately so he decided to ask them now.

"Hey, Yoongi?"


"Why don't you go to physical therapy?"

Yoongi chuckled, "Well it's a waste of time and we don't have the money. All the money my mom saved up from her previous job was used for my dad's funeral cost."

He sighed, taking another bite. "Also there was the multiple surgeries, hospital bills... You get the idea."

Hoseok felt awful. Yoongi couldn't get all the right treatment. He wanted to help but was unsure how.


Hoseok looked up, being pulled out of his thoughts. "Huh?"

"You okay? You were just staring at your food."

"O-Oh, yeah. I'm good. Just thinking, sorry." He continued eating.

"What about?"

Hoseok didn't want him to worry about what he was thinking so he went with the previous thing that happened.

"Well, my boss came to me today saying they are planning on adding a contemporary class for teens and wants me to teach it." He said. "I'm not sure if I want to..."

"Why not? You like to dance, right?"

"Well, yeah but I don't know if I'll be good with teens. I already had some problems with younger kids... and that was just teaching them the basics. Teens are at the age where you build their experience. I don't even know contemporary... I was a street dancer."

Yoongi nodded, "Right but when were you a person to say no to a challenge? Besides isn't that close to free form or whatever? I don't know the differences but I think you'd like it."

"Maybe... I'll have to think about it." The two finish their food and make their way to the living room.

All the sudden, Yoongi hisses, head falling back against his chair.

"Yoongi? What's wrong?"

"M-My back! It hurts."

"I can try to message it?"

"Please, it hurts a lot."

Hoseok went into action picking him up and putting him on the couch. He let him slowly lay down and move his legs until he was laying on his stomach.

In seconds, he works at the muscles while Yoongi sighed. He was concerned why Yoongi seemed to have a lot of muscle spasms and pain.

He wasn't sure if it was the fact he couldn't do therapy or if it was something with surgery. No matter what it was Hoseok felt terrible.

It looked so painful...

"Aaah! Fuck!" Yoongi yelled.

Hoseok flinched back, "W-What?"

"I...I think you messaged over one of my scars from surgery."

Hoseok lifted his shirt to see he did in fact do so but the scar looked...puffy and a bruise was forming at it.

"Is this a recent scar?"

"Yeah...from my last one. Why?" Yoongi asked.

"It...doesnt look good. Like it's swollen."

"It's supposed to swell a bit after surgery."

"When was it done?"

"Two months ago maybe?"

"Two months?!"

"Yeah? Hoseok it's fine. If you want you can ask my mom when she's home. Please don't worry about it."

Hoseok wanted to know more but decided not to push the issue. He massaged his back, making sure he didn't go over his scars.

He made note to ask her as soon as possible.

A/N: so here we go. Drama coming up. What's gonna happen next? XD Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya next chapter.

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