The Date

603 30 18

Hoseok was on edge for their date. I mean, he masturbated with the boy!

Swallowing his nerves he drives to the other side of the road to pick Yoongi up. Honestly he was surprised Yoongi agreed to a date after yesterday's events.

So he helped Yoongi in the car and off they went to enjoy their date. Yoongi was quiet as he looked out the window, watching the scenery pass. So to make it less awkward, Hoseok turned on the radio. His head perked up at a song from a band called BTS.

Hoseok smiled, knowing the song as Fire and the two jammed out to it. He loved seeing Yoongi's smile and see him have fun rapping lines. "You're a good rapper, Yoongi." Hoseok said after a while.

Yoongi stopped immediately and blushed, "T-Thanks..." Hoseok parked at a restaurant and helped Yoongi out and quickly went up the ramp to hold the door. This made Yoongi chuckle with a small thanks as the two get seated.

"Isn't this a bit expensive?" Yoongi asked, looking at the menu when he sat down on the booth to be across Hoseok.

Hoseok shrugged, "Eh, you deserve it."

Yoongi looked up from his menu, "Why?" He said with an unsure smile.

"Because you're an amazing guy Yoongi." Hoseok smiled kindly to him. Yoongi blushed, quickly hiding his face into the menu.

"I-I'm not..." He mumbled.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, pushing the menu down to see the flustered guy. "You are don't let me repeat myself."

Yoongi only nodded, quickly busying himself into the menu again.

"Good morning gentlemen, what can I get you to drink." A young woman came to their table with her tablet in hand.

"I'll take a coffee." Yoongi said.

"And sprite!" Hoseok beamed as the waitress nodded.

"Alright, I'll be right back for your food orders then."

"So, Yoongi what are you planning on getting?" Hoseok asked, looking at the 'Kimchi Fried Rice' they served here.

"The... spaghetti car..banara? It sounds good." Yoongi said with a small chuckle.

"I've heard it's good here." Hoseok nodded.

"Here's your drinks gentlemen." The waitress was back, giving the boys their drinks. She got her tablet out again, "What can I get you both to eat?" She asked with a kind smile.

The two told her their order and was left alone in silence. Yoongi sipped his black coffee as Hoseok played with his straw in his soda.

" drink coffee?" Hoseok asked, trying to get a conversation going.

"Yeah I do.... You drink Sprite?" Yoongi asked back.

"It's the best soda out there!" Hoseok beamed and the two laughed at their awkwardness.

"Thanks a lot for this, Hoseok." Yoongi then said.

Hoseok cocked his head, "For what?"

Yoongi had a small smile on his face, "For just... I don't know. Taking me out? I never went on a date before... and I was sure I was never going to be going on one after the accident so...yeah."

Hoseok really didn't want to ask about the accident but his curiosity got the best of him. "What... happened...If you don't mind me asking?"

Yoongi tapped his finger on his mug, "Well... To be honest I can't remember a lot of it. I was in the car with my dad going somewhere. A car on the other side of the road spun out because I think it was icy? They hit us head on, mostly on my dad's side." Yoongi sighed with a sad smile, "It took their lives and my dad's life. I barely made it."

Hoseok felt his heart drop to his stomach. "That... sounds scary. I'm really sorry that happened."

Yoongi chuckled dryly, "It's ok. It's not like you can fix it. I'm just... trying to live past it."

"Well, you have me to help." Hoseok smiled. "I may not be able to fix your past but I'm here to help your future go right."

Yoongi looked up to Hoseok, "You're strange Hoseok. But, I like it." He gave him a small smile.

"Your food, gentlemen." The waitress said, giving them their plates.

They ate mostly in quiet as Hoseok told Yoongi about his teaching job and his life before moving here. It was weird telling Yoongi about him almost getting kicked out of his apartment because he sometimes didn't have the money but it was his life back then.

He somehow managed two jobs and got enough money to move out of the area leaving Jimin and Jungkook behind. He missed his friends but sadly was loosing contact with them. He tried texting them just so he could keep in touch but they were all busy people with busy lives.

"That sounds scary too. I mean talk about stress." Yoongi said after hearing his story. "But I'm glad you got enough money to move out of there."

"Me too. I got to meet you after all." Hoseok smiled.

Yoongi blushed, "You're so cheesy, stop it."

"Why should I if you like it?" He rebudded back making Yoongi's face show more red.

"S-shut up! No I don't!"

Hoseok chuckled, "Oh my god, you do!" He then laughed at the flustered male.

"Okay okay! Jeeze!" Yoongi hid his face in his hands.

"Oh, come on Yoongi. I'm sorry! I'm just joking!" Hoseok pulled his hands down.

The two finished eating and Hoseok paid, thanking the waitress for her great service and helped Yoongi back out to the car. All in all, the date went very well in his opinion. He got to learn more about Yoongi and in return Yoongi got to learn more about him.

When they got home, Yoongi took his pills and went straight to the livingroom. "Wanna watch a movie?"

Hoseok smiled, picking Yoongi up to put him down on the couch. "I'd love to." He kissed his cheek and sat next to him to watch whatever he put on.

Yoongi clicked on one.

"NOT IT! NO NO NO!" Hoseok yelled but it was to deaf ears as Yoongi chuckled. This was going to be a long night.

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