Give It To Me (18+)

536 26 18

Hoseok lifted Yoongi up onto his bed, straddling him as he kissed him with passion.

"Hoseok, give it to me."

Hoseok smirked devilishly, hand at his shirt. "Whatever you want."

He leaned down and sucked at Yoongi's special spot, the area where his neck and shoulder meet. (The nape I believe it's called but am not sure)

Yoongi let out a low moan, head tilting back to give him more access. Hoseok smirked at his response, lightly nipping at the skin and sucking at it again.

"H-Hobi. Please." Yoongi begged.

Hoseok threw both their shirts to the side of the room and dove down to Yoongi's chest. He feathered a trail of kisses until he got to his nipple. He took it in his mouth, playing with it with his tongue and soft bites.

Yoongi was going mental, back lifted off the mattress as his one hand was over his mouth to try and quiet his moans.

Hoseok immediately stopped, grabbing his arm and pinning it above his head. Yoongi looked at him, still trying to catch his breath from the seconds before.

"Don't ever quiet your moans. They're beautiful."

Yoongi blushed, "But... my mom."

"Let her hear. You're mine and I want the whole world to know that only I can make you feel this good." Hoseok stated, kissing him on the lips.

"Plus it's the best sound I heard on my life." He pecked his lips and his hands went to unbuckling Yoongi's pants.

Yoongi blushed even more as he wrapped his arms around Hoseok to bring his neck down so he could mark his neck.

Hoseok let out a groan, sliding the pants off with Yoongi's help. He followed, tossing his pants somewhere.

"Yoongi... are you sure about this?" Hoseok asked, wanting to make sure he was ready for the next step.

"Yes, Hobi. I'm ready." The two kiss again and take their boxers off.

Even after so long, Hoseok couldn't get over how amazing Yoongi looked. His body was perfection.

Yoongi trailed his fingers over Hoseok's chest before locking eyes with his boyfriend.

"Lube is in the top drawer."

Hoseok nodded, grabbing the lube and condom. "When did you get condoms?" He asked as he opened the lube up

Yoongi blushed, "My mom bought it for me after we told her about us dating."

Hoseok laughed, "Well I'll have to make sure that I thank her."

(Just would like to state I have no clue if people who are paralyzed can even have sex but just for the sake of this story it's all fiction. So don't take anything as fact. Ok, enjoy)

Hoseok lubed up his fingers and then stopped. He just realized Yoongi wouldn't be able to feel down there. Well, he did when they masturbated but ...

"What's wrong?" Yoongi wondered, tilting his head a bit.

"I just was thinking... are you going to feel anything?"

Yoongi blinked, "I'm honestly not sure."

"Want me to ride you instead?"

Yoongi blushed, "Um... whatever you want. It's my first time so I don't know anything."

Hoseok handed him the lube as he reached around himself to push a finger in.

He grunted at the discomfort as Yoongi put on the condom. "You know you really don't need to do this."

Hoseok smiled, "I...ha, wanna do it." He panted as he added a second finger.

Yoongi used his arms to sit up and kiss him on the cheek, "You're amazing." He smiled, laying back down and putting some lube on his hand.

Hoseok watched Yoongi lube up his dick as he started scissoring at his entrance, letting out small moans and grunts as Yoongi joined soon after with a moan.

Once he thought he was prepared he took in a huge breath and positioned himself. Yoongi put his hands on his waist as Hoseok gripped his sides as he slid down.

Hoseok hissed at the burn as Yoongi's nails dug into his skin. He did the same making the two moan together.

Yoongi freed his one hand to wipe away a tear that escaped his eye, "Are you ok?"

"Y-eah. Just ha... have to get used to it." He smiled as he felt he was good.

So gathering his strength he started a slow rhythm, both letting out a low moan as pain slowly turned into pleasure as he went back down.

"Ah, Hoseok. C-Can you go faster?" Yoongi asked, hands gripping his hips.

He couldn't muster any words as he sped up, bouncing on Yoongi like his life depended on it.

"Ah, ah! Yoongi." He yelled his name again when a nerve was hit, making him go even faster if possible.

Yoongi was moaning up a storm as the two felt close.

"H-Hoseok... baby, I'm close." Yoongi moaned, nails digging into his hips, one drawing blood but he didn't care.

"Call me that again." Hoseok said breathless, feeling oh so close.

"Baby, I'm close. So, so close." He said, moaning as Hoseok clenched down on him.

"I'm close too." Hoseok stated, not sure why he loved the name 'baby' but he didn't worry about it.

He felt the familiar build up at his abdomen as he fell down with a loud moan, letting his cum spew out.

While doing so, he clenched down Yoongi's member, making him fall over the edge, cuming in the condom.

The two caught their breaths before Hoseok shakingly took Yoongi out and falling next to him. They were both sweaty but they didn't care.

Hoseok then got off the bed to throw the condom away and a rag to clean them up. He knew he was going to be sore tomorrow but he didn't care. After he was done he cuddled besides Yoongi and pulled the cover up.

"I love you." Yoongi said as Hoseok cuddled into his side.

"Love you.. too." Hoseok almost whispered as his eyes felt heavy. He let himself drift to dreamland in his boyfriend's arms.

A/N: hello guys. Apologies for my hiatus being so long. If you weren't aware I'm holding a q and a on my other YoonSeok book Emojis and I need some more questions.

If you want please go over there and feel free to ask any questions.

Second sorry if this was bad. I was editing this at 1am with a headache so yay. I hope you all are well. See ya soon!!

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