All For Go (+18)

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A/N: This is a continuation of last chapter. It gets pretty steamy this chapter. Just warning y'all.

Yoongi and Hoseok were both deep in lust, letting their testosterone take flight. Hoseok kept grinding down, feeling his member begging for release from the tight coffin.

"Ah." Yoongi moaned as Hoseok found his sweet spot right under his jaw.

His small moans and whimpers were driving Hoseok mad as he threw his shirt off. Yoongi raked his fingers down his toned body as Hoseok made work on unbuttoning his pants.

"Hoseok." He moaned, hands fiddling with Hoseok's jean button. Hoseok slid his down his jeans revealing the tent in his boxers.

"Yoongi, you ok?" Hoseok asked, working on sliding his pants down.

"Yes. Hoseok please don't stop." He whined, back lifting off the bed.

"Of course." Hoseok nipped his ear making him shudder. He worked his jeans down and palmed the tent in the boy's boxers.

"Aah!" Yoongi's head rolled back, muscles contracting as he wanted to buck up. He whined, wanting more friction.

While working on the bulge, he made a trail of kisses down his chest to his nipples, sucking on one.

"Fuck, Hoseok!" He yelled, gasping for air. Hoseok felt on fire and wanted so much. He loved Yoongi's sounds, they urged him on as he grinded his bulge on his making both moan at the friction.

It was a bit crazy for them to do this as friends but they didn't care. They both liked eachother and wanted more.

Hoseok knew it wasn't the right time for sex but both boys needed release from their sexual tension.

Hoseok decided to go first with sliding off his boxers. He sighed in content feeling his member be free from it's prison.

"Your beautiful, Hoseok." Yoongi said, making Hoseok blush.

He loved compliments, especially during sex. He's had sex before but didn't know exactly what to do for Yoongi.

He put his fingers under the band, moving his mouth back up to his neck, "You ready?"

"Yes." He whined.

Hoseok slid his boxers down, both boys blushing as they look the the masterpieces in front of them.

"God, you look so sexy." Hoseok confessed, diving in to kiss his lips. He wrapped his hand around his member, swallowing his moan.

Their tongues dance as Yoongi wrapped his hand on Hoseok's member. He moaned at the feeling, flicking his wrist up to start jacking off Yoongi.

He moaned against his lips, following suit as the two get eachother off. The room was filled with moans and whines with a name being moaned here and there.

Hoseok jerked his hips, feeling the small build up in his abdomen. "Fuck, Yoongi. Faster, please." He begged, putting his thumb in his slit, rolling the precum at the head.

Yoongi moaned, doing what was asked as he tried to control his breathing as he wanted more.

"H-Hoseok. I'm close."

Hoseok sucked at the spot beneath his ear, "Same Yoongi. F-fuck."

Yoongi whined, head falling back in pleasure.

"I love you. I love you. God I love you." Hoseok said, feeling close.

Yoongi gasped, his one leg jerked up almost kneeing his side. Hoseok kissed him, relaxing the muscle while he took both their members in his other hand.

They moaned at the feeling as Hoseok started a rhythm, making more friction as the two were going mad.

"Fuck, Hoseok. I-" Yoongi whined, hips jolting forward. "Aah!" He cried.

"Cum. Go ahead." Hoseok said and both boys released, painting Yoongi's chest with their load.

Yoongi's body calmed down as Hoseok fell besides him, trying to catch his breath.

"That...was amazing." Yoongi said in between breaths.

Hoseok chuckled, smiling to him. "It was." They came down their highs and Yoongi was asleep in a few seconds, granting Hoseok time to regret all his life choices.

He just had masturbated with Yoongi. Holy shit.

Yoongi looked amazing afterwards, sweat glistening off his perfect body. He grabbed the rag to wipe off him fully.

He glided the rag down to clean his body. With their passionate sex, if you want to call it that, he didn't get to fully look at Yoongi.

Yoongi had perfect pale skin. When he got to his legs there were so many scars probably from his accident and many surgeries after.

He was surprised that his muscles still respond below the hip but just not in complete control.

He smiled, slipping his boxers up and put his boxers on too. After everything was done and clean, he slid in the bed next to him, cuddling up against him, falling asleep next to the boy of his dreams.

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