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Yoongi and Hoseok were quiet.

"Really?" Yoongi asked, unsure if he heard correctly.

Mr. Kim smiled kindly, "We have a very high possibility of getting you to walk again."

"Wow." Yoongi almost whispered.

"The muscle spasms that you had were a sign that the muscles aren't dead. I am confident we can get you up and walking. Though, I'm not going to lie, this surgery is risky.

We have to go into the back. We have a good team here but things can happen. I don't want to scare you out of it.

Do you have any questions that can help your decision?" He asked, giving them his attention.

"How long would I be under?" Yoongi first asked.

"Depending on how the surgery go it could be several hours."

"Oh..." Yoongi said.

"How long is recovery?" Hoseok asked.

"Well, if everything goes well about a week until you can try some walking. Not going to lie, you'll have pain. Some people have trouble with their hands, some have back pains. It just depends on the person.

Since Yoongi is in very good health, I'm hoping we can get good results."

Both of them seemed to like the positive outlook but the downside was the question of 'what if'.

"What is the worst Yoongi can discover?"

"Well, full paralysis... death. But that's very slim. Our team makes sure to give the best care; in and out of surgery."

The two nodded and Namjoon have them a pamphlet.

"I know it's a lot to think about so here's some reading material. You can call me anytime with other questions."

The two thanked Dr. Kim and found themselves a quiet drive home. Both thinking about what they heard.

"Do you really think it's possible?" Yoongi finally spoke when they were home.

"I mean, it sounds like it." Hoseok said, sighing heavily as he stirred his hot chocolate.

"I...I'm thinking of doing it." He said.

Hoseok looked up at the nervous boy. "I don't mean to be the bad voice of reason but you do understand the risks right?"

Yoongi sighs and nods, "Yeah, but what can be worse then not being able to walk?"

"Not being able to move at all? Being in huge pain? Yoongi I'm all for it but just give it more thought. It's a huge step."

Yoongi sighs, "Fine..." he rolls back to his room and goes to his art desk. "Do you mind if you give me a minute? We can talk tomorrow." Hoseok knew the boy just wanted some time alone to think about things.

Hoseok smiled softly, bending down to kiss his forehead, "Sure. If you need anything you can text me."

Hoseok found himself in his quiet and empty house. He decided to get ready for his class tomorrow and such.

He really thought what would become of their relationship if Yoongi could walk again.

They could dance together, make love with no complications, and Yoongi would become more independent. He wouldn't have to wait for someone to help him anymore.

His heart stopped. Would Yoongi find someone who was better? Would he forget about Hoseok if he didn't need his help?

Hoseok suddenly felt sick in the stomach. His mind wondered.

How would he live without Yoongi?

A/N: We're nearing the end of this book! Seriously, I can't stress enough how much your support means to me. I'm already working on the next chapter and then after that I believe will be the end. >w<

I want to try and finish this before school so I only have to focus on one story while in school. I'm going to see BTS in New Jersey this weekend and am really excited. I already posted on my profile about it, but just in case... I was wondering if any of you would be there? lol

Alright, enough out of me. I'm leaving. Peace!

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