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Hoseok needed a lot of new clothes as some of his old stuff either did not fit him or he just grew tired of things.

His dancing gear has gotten rips from dancing on the streets but it was what paid the bills. Now he is going to be a dance teacher starting in the fall.

So he goes to the nearest mall and starts browsing getting a couple of new shirts, sweatpants, a new sweatshirt, and jacket. He had two bags already and he still needed shoes.

So he walked down to the shoe store only to stop when he saw someone familiar. Hoseok had to blink a couple times to make sure but he could tell it was Yoongi.

The boy looked flawless in real life. The window that he met him at hid his beauty.

One thing he noticed was he was in a wheelchair, something he couldn't see when they met. Yoongi was with a woman that Hoseok could only guess was his mom.

He dropped a bag and tried to reach for it and Hoseok had enough. He walked over to grab it and hand it to him.

"Here you go." He said, giving the bag to Yoongi.

Yoongi's beautiful brown eyes widened, "Hoseok?!" He said, "What are you doing here?"

"Shopping, like you. Nice to meet you in person though."

Yoongi had a faint pink to his cheeks while his mom joined them.

"Well, hello there." She smiled.

"Hello ma'am. I'm Jung Hoseok, a friend of Yoongi's and new neighbor across the street." He bowed slightly.

"Oh! It's so nice to meet one of Yoongi's friends. I'm his mom, you can call me Ms. Min."

"Ah, so your last name's Min, huh?"

Yoongi blushed more, "Yeah..."

Hoseok smiled, "So where are you guys heading?"

"We're going to go to Subway to get something to eat. Want to join us?" Ms. Min asked.

Now that Hoseok thought about it he hasn't eaten yet. "Sure, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. Come now." Yoongi's mom was about to push Yoongi but he bet her to it.

"I can get it myself, mom." He said, starting off towards Subway.

"Right, sorry dear." The three walk in silence and order their sandwiches.

Ms. Min grabbed the table while Hoseok stayed with Yoongi to grab everything.

"Do you want to grab the sandwiches and I'll get the sodas?"

Yoongi shrugged, "Sure." He took the three sandwiches and went over to his mom. Hoseok sighed, feeling a bit awkward with the two.

He didn't know if he made Yoongi mad or embarrassed and he wanted to fix it. He didn't care if he was in a wheelchair or not, the boy was sexy as all hell.

He grabbed the drinks and handed them to the respective person. Yoongi dug into his food right away while Hoseok and Ms. Min took their time.

"Now dear, be careful. I'm in no mood to perform CPR."

Yoongi blushed again, swallowing, "Sorry mom."

Hoseok took all the trash and went over. His mom went to the bathroom, letting the two to chat.

"Sooo..." Hoseok started. "Um... The weather is great today." How do you stay a conversation with someone? He didn't want to say anything wrong.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Tell me about it." He takes a sip of his soda. "So it looks like you have a lot of supplies for dancing? Do you dance?"

Hoseok smiled, blinding the guy with his smile, "I love to dance. I actually used to dance on the streets. I was found out by a friend of a dance company and they needed a new teacher so I start working there tomorrow."

"It must be fun to dance. I never liked it when I could walk so I probably wouldn't like it now."

"Well, I like it when you just let the music control your body. I do freestyle so yeah. What do you do?"

He shrugs, "I write...listen to music. Mostly be on my bed watching videos or looking outside the window."

"Right, and that's how we met." Hoseok smiled. "Isn't kinda boring though?"

"A bit, but I can't really do much. I can't even wash without my mom's help." He looked down.

"Weird question but do you draw?"

"Eh, sometimes. I sketch things. Why?"

"I just noticed you drawing something at your window a lot. I'd love to see your stuff."

"Spying on me, eh?" Yoongi smirks, "But no, you wouldn't want to see it. I'm not good and a lot has been trashed due to muscle spasms."

"Oh, that sounds painful." Hoseok felt a bit bad for him.

"I kinda get used to the pain. It sounds bad but I had to get used to it." Yoongi's hand twitched. "And on queue, I have one. Anyways I don't want to hold you up on your shopping so you don't have to stay."

"I actually want to come with if you don't mind." Hoseok said, wanting to spend the most time with him. Who knows when he'll get this chance.

"Why?" He chuckled with a small smile, "I'm so boring."

"I find you interesting."

"Why is it because I'm different with a wheelchair? Honestly, you dance Hoseok. You're the literal sun when you smile. We're complete opposites. How can you find that interesting?"

Hoseok shrugged, "I guess since it's different it interests me."

His mom comes back just as Yoongi's arm randomly jumped, knocking over his soda.

"Fuck!" He gripped his shoulder as his mom ran over.

Without a word, she grabs his shaking arm and pressed on his shoulder, a loud crack sounded.

It sounded rather painful but when he saw Yoongi's face relax he didn't think much of it.

"Sorry about that." He blushed, using a napkin to clean up the table. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. It got all over your shirt."

Hoseok looked and saw his shirt was drenched with soda. "That's ok, it was old anyways. You just owe me a shirt." He chuckled.

"Of course." Yoongi said. His mom smiled seeing the boys getting so close.

A/N: Hey! :) Hope you guys are enjoying this. I know it's a bit quick but I'm not planning on having this story be too long. ^_^

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