Need of Help

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A few days in and Hoseok was getting used to helping Yoongi with small things like making good and setting things up.

He's had to help him get to his chair a few times and such but today was a challenge. Today Yoongi should get a bath.

"When did you want to take your bath?" He asked when he gave him some cereal.

"Oh...after I eat I guess." He said. "Not sure how we are going to do this though..."

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asked, sitting at his usual spot.

"Well... I kind a need help undressing..." He said, blush on his cheeks.

"Oh..." Hoseok felt his cheeks blush too. "Would it help if I don't look?"

"How would you not look when you need to undress me?" Yoongi asked with a small smile. "Just do it and we can forget about it or something."

Hoseok nodded, grabbing his dish. "I think I can do that." He helped Yoongi to his chair for him go to the bathroom.

He shuffled himself into the tub side. Hoseok noted that the family didn't have anything for Yoongi. He felt like he wanted to help.

It wasn't Yoongi's fault for being in a wheelchair so he shouldn't have to pay the price.

Taking a huge breath, Hoseok slid his shirt off with ease. He tried really hard to not look but damn did Yoongi look good.

He blushed slightly as the two worked together to get his pants off. He put his eyes up, looking Yoongi in the eyes.

Yoongi smiled smally, pink still on his cheeks. Hoseok kept his eyes locked to Yoongi as he slid his boxers off. Once they were off he turned around to hear water starting to go in the tub.

Soon the water drained and he helped him up to slide his clothes on and in minutes the two were at the living room watching some Korean drama.

Yoongi flinched, hissing in pain as his leg kicked out. "Fuck!"

"Yoongi, you ok?" Hoseok asked.

"My leg is cramping on me." He said, massaging the leg but he couldn't seem to get it to calm down.

"Here, let me help." Hoseok massages his leg, going up to the knee. "I'm surprised your legs get cramps."

"It's because blood can't fully circulate from me sitting so much but I can't stand so I just have to get used to it."

"Ah." He said as his leg calms down and then the two just sit and talk about the drama.

Later he helped Yoongi back on his bed and called it a day.

A/N: not much of a chapter I know. Kinda filler sorry.

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