First Step

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A/N: Ok, a few words before I start this chapter. Things are going to be a bit rushed. A lot has to be squashed so this chapter's probably going to be the longest I ever wrote. I wanna make things clear again that this is an AU. Any medical things that aren't really true, just take it as my own AU. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!

For the next few days, Yoongi was still healing but the pain wasn't as bad as it used to be. He so badly wanted to walk. The doctors started telling him to try moving his toes and feet which was hard to begin with.

Without being able to feel your legs for years, he forgot the feeling or even how to move his toes. He was thrown down a deep depression hole right away when he couldn't figure it out. He couldn't feel any touches what-so-ever. He already lost his race without even starting.

Hoseok tried to bring his spirits up, saying how maybe the nerves were asleep but Yoongi knew the truth. He knew it was wishful thinking. He didn't even want to open the support group because he just would cry about how some people were luckier than him.

Though, something in his mind; a light somewhere in the dark; told him to go on. He didn't know why but he just did. He was all alone and bored as hell, so why not.

He signed in, shooting a simple hello to the group.

Hey, Suga! Been a while! How's everything??

Hello Suga! :)

Suga! Dude, how's everything?

Yoongi was surprised at the welcome and honest concern the two who he talked to before were. He sighed and decided to just tell them the truth.


Hi guys. Sorry I've been away for so long.Everything sucks.

Oh no, is everything ok?

Woah, yeah. What's wrong?


Well, with me healing up the doctors are trying to start basic movements. 
Let's just say it's not going well

Don't give up hope yet, Suga. I mean, didn't you just start that?


They started it yesterday. I can't feel anything

Give your body more time to get used to things. I don't know much about what happened as I just joined the group, but I know that you can do it :)

What Bee said. Honestly, bro I know what your going through. When I had a crash, I couldn't feel my legs. It was the worst feeling to be stuck in a hospital without being able to walk. I remember them trying to get the nerves to work and I won't lie, it took a while for my nerves to come back.


I guess... Sorry, I just can't help but think it's useless. I mean, I was paralyzed for like... years.

But yet you got the surgery which means your doctor has high hopes of you walking. Things will work out. Suga fighting!!

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