For Him

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Yoongi got stronger as the days past, working hard for the promise of walking to Hoseok. He'll be there on Friday and Yoongi wanted to make it.

"Dear, please eat." he heard, looking over to his mom.

"Sorry mom. Just thinking. Do... Do you have the thing I asked you to get?"

She smiled, "I did." She went to her bag, handing him a box. With shaking hands, he opened the box to see the ring he ordered.

"Do... Do you think he'll say yes?" he asked.

"I'm sure of it. You two work so well together. Reminds me of your dad and me." She smiled with a sad glint in her eyes.

"How did dad ask you for his hand in marriage?" Yoongi asked.

"When we were in college together, he got a puppy for me as I loved animals. On our anniversary, he tied the box to the puppy's collar and told him to come to me. It was adorable. The puppy tried it's hardest to get the ring off of his collar." She chuckled.

"Sounds adorable." Yoongi smiled. "I... don't know what to say though."

"Just say what's on your heart. You're a lot like him. He always was bad with saying things. But, when he said it from the heart, it sounded like poetry."

Yoongi smiled, "Thanks mom."

So, Friday came and Yoongi's heard couldn't stop leaping out of his chest. He was nervous. He had a basic outline for what he was going to say to Hoseok.

"Hey, you ready to try and walk to me again?" Hoseok asked once he came in, beaming smile like always.

"Remember my promise?" Yoongi asked.

"Remember my answer?" Hoseok remarked, leaning to kiss his forehead, "I'll be waiting."

The harness gets strapped on with the ring box in his jean pocket. Taking a huge breath, he gripped on the bars again to look forward at his boyfriend and mom.

This time, he'll do it. He'll make it if it was the last thing he'd do. Taking in all the courage in the world, he slid his leg just a bit to test the waters.

"Come on Yoongi. You can do it." Hoseok said alongside all the doctors. He put his foot forward a bit more, and again, and again. Tears of joy were running down his cheeks as he got slowly closer to his boyfriend.

He walked, step by step towards Hoseok. It felt weird, but he didn't care. He just knew he had to do one thing.

Hoseok smiled at him in pure joy, eyes glistening with tears threatening to fall, "Your doing it, babe."

Yoongi smiled as he stood next to his tall boyfriend at the end of the poles. He was out of breath from the huge exercise as he shakily took his hand off the pole and kneeled down.

"Y-Yoongi? You ok?" Hoseok asked, bending down too.

Said boy looked in his eyes with a huge smile. "Better than ok. I told you I would make it."

Hoseok smiled, "And I waited, didn't I?"

This is it. Say it.

"Hoseok, you've been the most amazing boyfriend I could ever ask for. You always made my gloomy days bright. Regardless of my position, you treated me like a normal human. You quickly helped me. I still remember the first time you had to help me bathe."

The two chuckle in the memory.

"You are my continued strength. You helped me sign for this surgery and helped me finally walk again. I want my first dance to be with you when we're together as one."

Yoongi grabbed the box as Hoseok looked to him with tears falling down his face.

"Jung Hoseok. Will you marry me?"

Hoseok looked at the ring then to Yoongi.

"Yoongi... I'd be honored to."

Yoongi beams at this as he slid the ring on his finger to quickly pull in his now fiance in for a kiss. The room erupts in claps of joy as the two hug.

Once it all dies down, the two were in Yoongi's room again. "You know... It's funny. I never imagined you to propose to me." Hoseok said.

Yoongi cocked his head, "What do you mean?"

Hoseok went for his back pocket, "I was actually going to wait until we danced first." He said, placing a box on Yoongi's lap.

Yoongi opened it to find a ring. He just stared at it. Until it clicked.

"Y-You mean you were going to propose to me?" He asked

"Yeah, but you beat me to it."

Yoongi was astonished, he didn't know what to say as he grabbed the ring. "Do you want to put it on?"

Hoseok nodded, taking the ring and sliding it on. "You know, you really scared me. I thought you were hurt."

Yoongi chuckled, "I'm sorry."

Hoseok shook his head, "It's fine. It's a moment I'll never forget."

The two hold hands as Hoseok climbs on the bed besides Yoongi. "I love you." Hoseok said.

Yoongi smiled, kissing the top of his head, "I love you too."

A/N: Aaaaah I can't believe this! >w< I hope it was good. I'm not too good with proposals so I hope it was fine. ^_^ Anyways, I hope you guys are doing well. I just finished taking my placement tests for college and it seems like I might be able to do college level courses which is great. Wish me luck! ^w^

See you all next chapter!

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