The Talk

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After shopping, Yoongi went to use the restroom and Hoseok was alone with his mom.

"So, what's the real story with you and Yoongi?"

"Um, not much. I saw him at the window when I moved in. Gave him my number and I think we are friends?"

She nodded, "If you don't mind I'd love to talk to you more if you can today?"

"Yeah I'm free for the rest of the day, do you want to come to my place or meet at your house?"

"Your place, it's something I don't want him to hear."

"What don't you want me to hear?" Yoongi rolled out.

"Your... surprise birthday party. Didn't want you to hear the plans." His mom covered up with ease.

"Sure, mom. Can you wheel me out? My arm hurts from that spasm."

"I'll do it!" Hoseok quickly said, surprising the two.

"You don't have to, I'm pretty heavy-" Yoongi said, a faint pink on his cheeks.

"Nonsense." He cut him off. "Lead the way, Ms. Min." Hoseok went to the handles and she shrugged and started to walk.

Hoseok pushed him after her. "Thanks, Hoseok."

"For what?"

"For taking a bit off of my mom's load. I wish I had stronger arms so she would never have to push me again."

Hoseok smiled, "I don't mind pushing you. Besides aren't there wheelchairs that have a control thingy?"

Yoongi chuckled, "Yeah but it's too expensive. My mom works hard at home, working so many hours. Then she has to help me."

His voice wavered and Hoseok felt his heart hurt, almost like it was stabbed.

"Hey..." Hoseok stopped, putting the break on and went to the front. He saw tears falling down from his eyes.

"I don't know what to do, Hoseok. I want to thank her but I don't know how."

"We can figure something out for her later. Just let's get you home. We can text about it later, ok?"

Yoongi gave him a small smile, wiping his tears, "Y-Yeah thanks."

So once he was at the car, his mom got a board out that he used to scoot his way to his seat and the wheelchair was thrown in the back.

"See ya later, I guess?" Yoongi smiled a bit.

"Yeah, I guess so. Bye!"

Hoseok got to his car and drove home to clean his living room for Yoongi's mom to come over.

She rang the doorbell and he let her in. They sat on the couch. "Want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm good. I'm going to go straight to the point. I was kinda wondering if you had an open schedule?"

"Um well, I teach a class on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and a class on Saturday. It's not all day... why?"

"Well, it's my job. They want me to go to a conference for a month to update my stuff and I can't take Yoongi with. He seems really comfortable with you so I was hoping it wasn't too much to ask if you could help him?"

"Oh, I wouldn't mind at all! Yoongi is a wonderful person and honestly, it gives me a chance to learn more about him."

She smiled, "That's good to hear. Yoongi needs some more people in his life. He's very to himself.

How about I run down a few things? Here's my number if you have any questions."

She gave him a list of numbers and Hoseok listened, taking in all he could. He was nervous about Yoongi's muscle spasms but she said they are normal.

Hoseok was ready to help where he needed so he was excited.

A/N: Well hello. Hope you are enjoying the story so far. I just wanted to say that I'll probably be off for the week as I'm trying to get things in order. I thank you for your patience. See ya next chapter.

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