Support Group

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It was pretty clear that Yoongi was deep into pain medicine once he woke up. He was loopy and slurred all his words. Hoseok found it quite cute as the boy turned into a huge marshmallow.

"Hosuuk." Yoongi whined on the third day. They slowly were getting him off the pain medicine but he still slurred a bit.

"Yes, Yoongi?" Hoseok answered, looking up from his phone.

"'m sore... Did we do it while drunk?" He asked with some worry.

Hoseok had to stop himself from choking and laughing at the same time, "No, Yoongi. You're just sore from the surgery you had."

Yoongi gave him a goofy smile, "Ah rright. I fargot. I soon can wallk." The two were silent for a bit until Yoongi asked a very interesting question.

"Can I top you once I heal up?"

Hoseok choked on his spit, trying his hardest not to die from coughing, "Yoongi." He then chuckled, "We can do it however you want. Let's get you walking first."

He smiled brightly, "I wove youuuuu."

Hoseok smiled, "I love you too."

Slowly but surely the days went on as the pain medicine dwindled and Yoongi was having a fit the last day.

"Ugh, it hurts so fucking bad!" He exclaimed.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "It could be worse. It was a week since the surgery Yoongi."

Yoongi sighed, "What if I can't even walk after this?"

"Yoongi... I'm certain you will be able to walk. But, if not... I'll still be here every step of the way. No matter how you take that step."

Yoongi looked at his boyfriend, baffled at the words he spoke. "H-Hobi..." He said, tears forming in his eyes. "H-How do you always know what to say?"

Hoseok carefully pulled his boyfriend into a soft hug, "Because I'm your hope."

"'re my angel."

The door opened and the two flinched apart to see Seokjin. Seokjin came in once every other day to check the progress and worked with the doctors about pain medicine.

"Hello Yoongi. How're you today?" He asked with way too much energy for the morning.

"I'm in a lot of pain." He mumbled.

"That was expected as today you have no pain medicine. Remember, if the pain gets too much to bear, don't hesitate to ask for some ibuprofen or something like that. The nurses will give you some before bed so you can sleep soundly. Other than that, things look like they're healing very well. We should get you to a therapy place soon but we're waiting for your stuff to heal."

The two nodded. "Thank you Dr. Kim." Hoseok smiled kindly.

"Oh, please. We all know each other very well by now. Just call me Seokjin. It makes it easier since Namjoon's also a Kim."

The two chuckle at that. "Well, I gotta get back to the office. We're getting a lot of people interested in this surgery and we're hoping that we can get everyone."

"That's very kind of you guys to do. I wish you all the best of luck." Hoseok said, bowing to Seokjin before he left.

"It's kinda weird to think there are others out there. Ya know? People like me?" Yoongi stated.

"I've heard there were support groups online. Want me to hook you up with that?" Hoseok asked, getting his laptop out.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." Yoongi said as he was given Hoseok's laptop. The two work on getting him into a group for paraplegics, some asking about the surgery, some going through the therapy and others who were done with the whole process.

There was a chat room (kinda set up like discord) and Yoongi clicked on it to send a simple hello.

Yo, hello man! Welcome to the group!

Welcome to the group, Suga!

Hello Suga!


Thanks for the nice welcome.I guess I should introduce myself a bit?

If ya want man. Whatever you want!


Well, I'm in the hospital after I got surgery so yay

Oh, what for, if you don't mind me asking?


Not really. I was paralized from the waist down from an accident

Brutal. Sorry to hear. I badly hurt my leg from the knee down and almost had it cut.

How're you feeling? I heard that surgery was very painful. My close friend had back surgery a few months ago. He's still doing therapy once in a while.


Well, today was the first day without pain medicine and it sucks but I won't lie you guys and my boyfriend are helping me forget the pain

Aww that's sweet!


Ah, sorry guys. Gotta go! The one nurse is coming in. Talk to you guys later.

Yoongi signed out and looked up at the one nurse who was there to give him his food.

"Thank you." He smiled kindly, taking the food and putting it on the table. It was at that moment he saw that Hoseok was passed out on the couch. He cooed at his boyfriend.

"Ma'am? Can you please wake him up? He should eat soon." Yoongi said. The nurse turned and nodded, walking over to gently wake him up.

"Sorry to wake you, but your friend told me you should eat soon. So, blame him." She smiled and left. "Enjoy your meal."

Hoseok blinked, looking over at his boyfriend, "Why'd you have to have her wake me?"

"Didn't you hear her? You need to eat." Yoongi said, digging into his chicken.

Hoseok sighed but nodded. "Your mom's going to be coming in tomorrow with me after my class. Hopefully you'll be transferred soon to start walking."

"It's like you said. We'll take it one step at a time."

A/N: Hey y'all. I wanted to write a chapter on in-between surgery and therapy. I decided to put in a few idols for a nice interesting easter egg. As I said this is an alternate universe so they're not really idols in this world. (Or maybe they are lol who knows). I just used their names/stage names for easter eggs and nothing more. ^_^ Next chapter will be the whole therapy thing and we can finally end this book.

I can't believe how long this book actually is! OwO So, see you all next chapter! ^w^

Update: Sept. 21, 2020 - changed a few errors and a certain name of the support group. Hope everything is fixed... but I'm so tired from school and work so idk ^w^'

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