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"Do I have to wear this?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok turned to his fiancee who was sporting yoga pants and a baggy shirt, "Yes, because it makes you look hot." He responded, kissing his cheek.

It's been officially a month since Yoongi was released from the hospital and the therapy place and they wanted to start learning how to dance together.

Yoongi turned beet red, "A-Alright. For you I will."

Hoseok beamed, "I love you." So, he drove the two to the dance studio he works at. He asked if he could have the room for today and his boss graciously accepted.

Today, the goal was to get basic steps down and have Yoongi feel the beat. Hoseok was prepared for Yoongi to mess up, but he was ready to give him support while doing so.

He got Yoongi to stretch while he got his phone ready to have music playing.

"Are you sure I'm ready for dancing? I mean, I just got cleared from the doctors."

"Which means it's perfectly fine to start. Trust me, you'll be able to."

Yoongi sighed, "Alright. I'm sorry. All this just seems like a dream."

Hoseok smiled as he started stretching, "Tell me about it. I never imagined I'd get married so young."

It was Yoongi's turn to smile, "Yeah, I can't wait. You going to dress in a white dress?"

"H-Hey! Why a dress?! Why can't we just wear tuxes?" Hoseok asked, red painting his face.

Yoongi laughed, "Relax Hobi. I'm just joking."

Hoseok pouted, crossing his arms, "Your mean!"

"I know. Come on. Let's get started."

Hoseok smiled, helping the two get into position. Yoongi was already flustered when he put his hand on his hip. "Y-You sure this is right?"

"You never slow danced before, have you?"

Yoongi blushed even more, if possible, "S-Shut up."

Hoseok chuckled, bringing himself closer as he set his hand on his shoulder, "Relax."

"Easier said then done!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Alright, so it's a simple step. You just basically sway back and forth like this." Hoseok exclaimed, taking a step.

Yoongi quickly stepped to follow him, the two getting a few steps in before Yoongi steps on his foot. Hoseok quietly hisses at the pain.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"It's fine. Just try again."

So, they move again, Yoongi focusing more on his feet as they keep moving around. "Don't look at your feet. Your supposed to look at me, silly." Hoseok said, putting his hand under his chin to make him look up at him.

The two just look in the others eyes as they keep dancing. Hoseok smiled, quite surprised at how well Yoongi was adapting. "You think your ready for music?" He said.

Yoongi gulped, but nodded, "If you think I'm ready."

Hoseok smiles, going over to the music to start it. The two get back into position as the music started. They started, but Yoongi was way too tense. It felt like Hoseok was pulling him along.

"You're way too tense, Yoongi."

Yoongi blushed a bit, "S-Sorry, I just can't get the beat down."

Hoseok sighed, kissing his cheek, "Alright, how about we just listen to the song first?" He restarts the song and the two sit down. Hoseok put his head on his shoulder as the two just listen to the song.

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
One step closerI have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

"This song's beautiful, Hoseok. What's it called?" Yoongi asked as the song kept going.

"It's called "Thousand Years". While looking up slow songs, this one came up for a lot of weddings.

"I didn't know you were looking into songs for our wedding. We aren't getting married for a while." Yoongi smiled.

"Well, I know but I wanted to get on the ball with the dance."

"I can help look for songs, ya know. I've heard a lot in my time."


After the song ended, Hoseok got up, "Ready to try again?"


A/N: Do you guys have any recommendations for slow songs for them to dance to? I'm curious because even though I do love this song, I was actually thinking of a Korean song? I know Serendipity is like the obvious choice but that's Jimin's song. XD I'm open for suggestions.

Besides the fact, the router that my parents bought doesn't work. Go figure. So, I'm stuck using the library until it's all sorted out. I'm sorry this was a bit short, but honestly, I couldn't really think of anything else for this chapter. We only have one more chapter! :( I can't believe it's almost all over!

Anyways, thanks for reading! Hope to see you for the finale! Take care guys! ^_^

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