.•°*(Chapter 1) Don't give up*°•.

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Tords point of view:

'God damn it!' I thought. I just cut my already destroyed arm on an edge of the dumpster next to me. God, how did I just get into this?!

The cut wasn't even that bad, but it hurt so much because of the many deep, infected wounds from the robot incident from a few years ago. I don't have anything to read the time or the date, but from what I could make out, I live maybe one or two years in the old, dirty alleyway, that I call my 'home' now.

A few days ago, it started snowing and I had nothing but my old, dirty, ripped red hoody, that still has some blood stains on it. My hair horns are just some messy, dirty tufts of hair now and my pants are still bloody as well. Someone stole my shoes a few months ago when I was asleep, and I didn't have any socks on. Also, because of my lack of food and all that stuff, I was always cold as fuck.

Recently I always startet coughing after every little nap I took. Since I was always cold, I thought nothing much of it, I mean, it could just be a regular cold or a flu.

One cold and grey day, I woke up, as always. After my regular coughing fit, I just layed down and tried to relax, but kinda couln't. I thought about my friends. Wait, can I even call them my 'friends' after all I have done to them? Well, I think not.

I'm pretty sure, that they will never forgive me, even if they would see my condition and if I would apologize. They would fucking NEVER forgive me. Especially Tom. He always hated me and after what I did with my stupid giant robot, he will hate me even more. There is no way they would accept my apology.

When I would come back to them, Tom would immediately kill me with his harpoon, just like he almost already did it in the incident.

I still wonder, how I'm even still alive after everything. I mean, I was the frightening red leader and fought in so many dangerous wars. Then I survived every strong attack from Toms drunk mind, that almost killed me several times. Then the robot incident, the harpoon and the explosion. And now the years of living in a dirty alleyway without any clean clothes, food or even any hygiene or health care. Hell, I could die any day, why not now?!

I sighed, carefully laying on my left side, because my right side was still bloody and infected, especially my arm and face. I layed on the cold, gravelly floor and closed my eyes.
Since I was blind in my right eye, it felt like I only closed my left eye, but I'm already used to this. Just like I'm used to the pain and the excruciating thoughts I had to go through every single day.

Actually, I already gave up on my life. I didn't go to look for food for the last few days now and just waited for death to greet me. I couldn't take all this anymore. I just want it all to end as fast as possible.

I layed there, waiting for my breathing to stop. I waited for a long time. I waited for anything to happen. ANYTHING.

...And that's when I heard it...

"Matt, what did I just say? You already have enough mirrors in your room!"


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