.•°*(Chapter 19) Freaks can't eat*°•.

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Toms point of view:

Edd drove us home from the little trip to the theme park. I was sitting in the backseat with Tord beside me again. I lightly turned my head to look at Tord, only to see him asleep again.

I smirked when I saw a warm, gentle smile on his face while he was about to lean onto my shoulder, his shortness making him not even reach my upper arm.

Then I've noticed, that he was shivering a little. He was still smiling, though. My smile however was fading slowly. I touched his hand to see, if he was cold.

He felt like a soft ice cube. He was freezing.

I sighed and took a blanket from under Edds seat in front of me. I unfolded it and gently wrapped Tord with the soft cover, holding the norski onto me while trying to get him warm again.

Since he was still asleep, I had no problem to hold him, because if he would be awake, he would just refuse everything and complain about my actions.

I took my mobile and looked at the time. It was almost 7pm and we didn't have anything for dinner. That's when I realized, how freaking hungry I really was.

"Edd, how long will it take until we get home?" I asked, feeling my stomach grumble quietly.

"I think, it will at least take half an hour." Edd replied, slightly disappointed.

"Oh man, but I'm hungry..." I cried out while pouting like a toddler.

"Me too, but don't worry, we can look for a restaurant or something!" Edd told us, slightly getting in a better mood.

"Sure, sounds great!" I answered, smiling again.

Matt seemed to be asleep as well, due to the silence he didn't interrupt.

After about five minutes, Edd found a fast-food restaurant and parked the car in front of it. Edd woke Matt up and asked him, if he would like to eat. Matt was happy and agreed, of course.

I was going to wake Tord up and ask him as well. I gently shook him while waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Mmh... What..?" Tord asked in annoyance, keeping his eyes shut.

"Hey, do you want to eat a burger or something? We're at a fast-food restaurant and it's still about half an hour until we'll get home. What do you say?" I asked, at least expecting a 'yes' from the tired norwegian.

"No, thanks. I'll stay in the car." He replied while yawning adorably.

"Are you sure?" Edd asked, a little disappointed.

"Yep, I'll stay here." Tord answered, getting comfortable for another little nap while still having his eyes closed.

"Okay..." Edd sighed in a sad tone while leaving the car with a slight frown. Matt and I silently followed him into the restaurant.

Tords point of view:

I watched them walking inside of that restaurant while I curled up in a ball, trying to get comfortable in the car.

It was hard getting my position enjoyable because of the seat belt pluggers, which are constantly pressing against my butt and sides, but I managed to at least get more or less comfortable in the blanked, that was wrapped around me.

I still wonder, why someone would cover me with it, though. I mean, yeah, I felt kinda cold, but still.

After what felt like ten minutes, I fortunately fell asleep again, imagining laying in my warm, comfortable, soft bed.

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