.•°*(Chapter 8) Side effects*°•.

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Tords point of view:

I woke up with a horrible headache. I tried to get up, but was prevented by doing so, due to the stinging pain in my stomach. I groaned in pain and carefully layed back down while I heard footsteps coming closer to my room.

The pain seemed to slowly went away when the door opened a crack. I was sweating and breathing more or less heavily when I felt the pain recur. Then, I noticed Edds voice.

"Hey, Tord... how are you feeling, buddy?" Edd asked, kinda concerned.

"Ugh, I don't know, Edd..." I huffed under my breath. He seemed to notice, that I was in pain, because he asked me a few questions with worry in his tone.

"Are you okay? Does something hurt, Tord?" The green clad brit asked. I wasn't feeling like I could speak properly because of my heavy breathing and the aches in my head and stomach, so I tried to say 'help' or 'pain' under my breath, with hope that he would understand.

All I could release was a tired, squeeling, painful groan, mixed with a couple sobs while I was frantically shifting back and forth in my bed, trying to stop the pain.

Edd seemed to think, that I was having a seizure or something, but since I actually never had a seizure, I neither knew, how it would really feels like, nor did I knew, what to do in this situation.

Edd quickly ran away, yelling for someone I couldn't understand. After a couple of seconds, I saw three blurry figures bend down above me. It sounded like they tried to calm me down, but everything sounded so distant and as if everything was under water. I couldn't understand shit.

After a while of shaking and breathing heavily while tensing up every now and then due to the pain, everything started to fade black until my vision left completely and I blacked out.

Edds point of view:

Oh my god... Tord just had a seizure...

He was twitching uncontrollably, shaking badly, breathing heavily and shifting desperately back and forth in his bed while mumbling something nobody could make out...

He blacked out after everything. I told Tom to get those pills Tord has to take, so I can read the small paper of the pillbox to see, if there would be any side effects.

When Tom returned with the small pack, I immediately took out the folded paper and read it while Matt layed the passed out Tord in a comfortable position and softly put the blanked over the sick norwegian.

That's when I read something like 'could cause side effects like fatigue, nausea, cramps and seizures'.

"Okay guys, I think, I know what possibly caused his seizure." I said while looking at Matt and Tom.

"Yeah? Was it the pills?" Tom asked. I nodded and showed them the small paper. In that moment, I heard a quiet shifting sound coming from the bed.

I looked at Tord to see him still sleeping, but quickly and weakly repositioning himself under his covers while letting out quiet, painful groans.

I sighed, imagining the pain he probably had gone through. I had a seizure one time when I was like 9 years old, and I still couldn't forget about it.

It hurt, like small needles stabbed from the back of inside your eye and as if you were pressed down on the floor with a tight pressure that's taking away your oxygen.

That's probably how Tord felt just a few minutes ago. My poor small red bean... I hope he's going to be fine...

Toms point of view:

We decided to leave Tord alone for now, but we're going to check on him every now and then.

We left his room while Edd took a last glance at him before closing the door behind him. We just walked to the living room and sat on the couch to watch some TV.

(-Time skip-)

Tords point of view:

I woke up, feeling kinda uneasy. My head was throbbing and my stomach still hurts like shit. I felt sick and just wanted to throw up, but I couldn't really get up, because I felt so god damn weak.

Was it the pills? Was it a side effect?

I don't know, but I hate it. I don't want to seem weak in front of my friends. What even happened before I blacked out? I couldn't even make out, what was happening to me. Heh, pathetic.

I couldn't really get up, but I have to at least try, so I slowly and carefully sat up and quickly felt the urge to puke. I wanted to run to the bathroom, but instead I fell down with a loud thud and threw up all over the floor. Great.

Now I have to clean my own vomit because of my damn inertia. Wow...

Edds point of view:

We were peacefully watching TV, until we heard a loud thud coming from upstairs. Then we heard something like gagging and choking.

I instantly got up from the sofa and hurried to Tords room while Tom and Matt did the same.

When we reached Tords room, we threw open the door to see Tord, laying on the floor with a puddle of vomit mixed with some blood next to him. We gasped.

He was slightly moving and groaning quietly while it looked like he wanted to get up, but couldn't, because of his fatigue and weakness. When he realized, that he couldn't do anything, he gave up and let himself fall down again.

I immediately ran over to him and tried to calm him down, so he wouldn't waste more energy than he already had.

Since he was still really light, I easily picked him up, bridal style, and carefully layed him on his bed while Tom went to the bathroom to get some cleaning supplies for the floor and Matt was standing at the door frame, extremely shocked to see his friends bloody vomit and his limp body.

When Tom returned, he got to work and was cleaning up the mess while I looked for possible wounds Tord could have got from the fall.

I found a small laceration on his forehead, but other than that, I found nothing new. I asked Matt to bring a plaster and he went to the bathroom right away.

He came back and gave me the plaster as I thanked him and sticked it on Tords forehead where the wound was.

Heh, it looked like he fell asleep again. Poor Tord... I hate seeing my dear friend in this condition, especially when it's for longer than a whole day.

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