.•°*(Chapter 13) Drunk*°•.

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(One week -Time skip-)

Tords point of view:

Today was the day, where I can remove those bandages on my right arm completely. I already could move my arm without causing much pain, but I still need to learn, how to control it properly.

I was in the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub and trying to remove the bandages. I wanted to be as careful as possible, so the prosthesis doesn't get damaged.

After I took off the bandages, i went downstairs into the living room to be greeted with Tom, sitting on the couch with two empty bottles of smirnoff. I knew immediately, that he was drunk, since I heard him hiccup sometimes.

Edd and Matt were at the grocery store, so Tom and I were alone in the house.


"Heey, ya commie bastard!" Tom called intoxicated between a few hiccups.

"Ugh, please don't tell me, that you're drunk again..." I cried out with a small, frustrated groan.

"I don't knooow, but I want you to know, that I wish-" He cut himself of with a small hiccup and continued to slurring his sentence.

"-that I wish, that you could have died in your metal junk you called a 'robot', you-" He hiccupped again and said the last two words of his insulting speech.

"-psychotic freak!"

Ouch. That hurt.

"Tom, please, I'm sorry for that... I'm so sorry for everything..." I told him with a few tears forming in my eyes.

I knew, that he was just drunk and he didn't said it in purpose, but what made me cry is, that everytime when Tom gets drunk, he revealed his true feelings towards us. So he probably does actually mean what he says.

Suddenly, he raised from his sitting position on the sofa and wobbled towards me while still having the bottle in his hand with a monotonous expression on his face. I backed away from him in fear, soon hitting the wall behind me.

I curled up in a ball, anxiously sitting  on the wall while trying to find a way to escape Toms threateningly closeness.

When the drunk brit was close enough, he realized, that I was extremely scared. He smirked and swung the glass bottle. I screamed in fear and pain when the glass shattered on my head, leaving bloody wounds with shards stuck in them.

I fell sideways on the floor, silently crying and pleading for him to stop. His grin only grew even bigger and he started kicking and punching me while throwing harsh insults at me.

He seemed to enjoy it.

Soon enough, I passed out with an extreme amount of pain in my whole body while crying and screaming for him to finally stop.

Edds point of view:

Matt and I were in front of our house after our little shopping trip. We laughed a bit and I opened the door.

As soon as the door was open, our smiles faded in extremely shocked expressions.

We saw Tom, hunched over on the wall with a broken bottle of smirnoff in his hands. Under him layed Tord, all bloody, beaten up and unconscious.

We let our groceries slip out of our hands and quickly ran over to the horrific scene. Matt pushed Tom away from Tord and held him while the drunk alcoholic struggled to get free of Matts grip.

I kneeled down in front of Tord and was shocked from all the blood and glass shards that surrounded him. I quickly and carefully picked him up and brought him as far away from Tom as possible.

I went to the bathroom and layed Tord in the bathtub. Tom seemed to already passed out because of the alcohol, so Matt came inside the bathroom as well and locked the door, just in case, if Tom would wake up and search for Tord.

Tord didn't move an inch. His eyes were closed and his face and hoody were all bloody and ripped.

Matt helped me to undress Tord, so we could reach the wounds on his upper body. Matt threw the hoody in the washing mashine while I grabbed the aid kit, disinfected Tords wounds and carefully took the glass shards out of the side and back of his sore head.

After we cleaned all the wounds, Matt gently wrapped a few bandages around Tords head while I took over his chest and left arm. Luckily, his prosthetic arm was still intact.

After we were done, Matt went to his room to get one of his clean T-shirts and dressed Tord up with it. Then, he picked Tord up, bridal style, and headed over to the norwegians room to lay him on his bed.

Well, that was a lesson.

Never leave Tom and Tord alone when alcohol is nearby.

(-Time skip-)

Toms point of view:

I woke up on the couch with a small hangover. I groaned and got up, wobbling to the kitchen to get some painkillers for my headache.

After I swallowed them, I went to look for the others. They all seemed to be in their rooms, so I went to Edds door to see, if he was in his room.

I knocked on his door to be greeted with an angry look on Edds face.

"Uhm, hey Edd, is something wrong? You look kinda mad, hehe..." I asked nervously while scratching the back of my neck.

"Well, Sherlock, guess why!" He snapped at me. I backed away and put my hands up like I was threatened with being shot.

"Woah, calm down, did I do something wrong?" I carefully asked while taking my hands down again.

"Yeah, and whether you did something wrong!" Edd slightly hissed, trying to express himself understandable.

"Uhm, was it when I was drunk..?" I quickly asked, hoping not to get Edd even more mad.

"Yup, congratulations for finally understanding something!" Edd snapped sarcastically.

"Come on, don't be mad, what did I do to make you so angry?" I asked with fear and curiosity in my voice.

"Why don't you just look for yourself?" Edd asked, stomping out of his room.

He made his way to Tords room and quietly opened the door. He mentioned for me to come and look inside of Tords room. I hesitantly made my way to Edd and carefully took a look inside.

I was shocked from what I saw.

There was Tord, laying in his bed with lots of bruises, plasters and bandages. He was unconscious and he didn't look like he peacefully fell asleep. He looked like he was beaten to the point where he passed out cold.

Matt was sitting beside him, making sure, that Tord doesn't stop breathing. The ginger noticed our presence and looked at me with a frown.

I slowly walked up to the limp norski and kneeled down beside his bed while looking at him in pure shock.

"Did-... did I..?" I quietly asked while tears formed in my black voids.

"Yup." Edd replied while letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Why did you have to get drunk, Tom? We were only gone for half an hour and came back to see Tord in this condition!" Matt cried out.

"I..." I was speechless. I never wanted to hurt the small, red hoodied bean that bad. He already had enough problems and now, I'm making his life even worse!

In that moment, I felt nothing but guilt.

While Matt continued to watch over Tord, Edd dragged me out of the room to leave Matt and Tord some space.

"Great job, Tom." Edd said sarcastically and left while I was just standing in the hallway, dumbfounded. I wanted it all just to be a bad dream, and nothing more. But sadly, I knew, that it was pure reality.

'What have I done?'

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