.•°*(Chapter 23) Explanation*°•.

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Edds point of view:

Tord and Matt were hugging each other for what felt like five minutes until Tord broke it. He lifted his left arm to wipe his tears away while Matt was still holding both of Tords shoulders.

Matt watched him, hoping for success by trying to calm the depressed norwegian down.

Tord still sniffled and sobbed a few more times, but it was much calmer than before, so I decided to ask him again.

"Tord, why did you do this? Do you even know, how concerned we were about you?" I asked patiently, hoping to get a reasonable answer from him.

Tord just stayed silent again, still rubbing his eyes and cheeks to try to get rid of his tears. After that, he answered quietly.

"I thought, I'm just bothering you all. I'm a waste of space for you. I didn't want to stress you even more with my silly problems, so I wanted you to get rid of me." Tord explained with his accent cracking due to his raspy and weak voice. He looked away, hoping for us to understand his action, but of course, we didn't.

"Tord, we would never want to get rid of you... We love you and we want the best for you. If we would've want to dispose you, then we wouldn't have tried to help you..." I told him with a huge frown on my face.

"Please, believe us... We want to get rid of your problems, but we definitely don't want to get rid of you. We want your problems to be gone. Your anorexia, your anxiety, your wounds, you hallucinations, everything... We want you to be happy and save, because you're just like a brother to us..." I explained with a guilty tone in my voice. Tord kept shaking and looking away, though...

"Edd is right. Even I know, what he's talking about. We would never leave you alone, Tord. We are always there for you. If you have problems, than you should talk to at least one of us..." Matt joined, rubbing Tords shoulders reassuringly while smiling at him in a soothing manner.

"But I did so many bad things to you... How can you not think lowly and bad about me?" Tord asked sorrowfully while rubbing his robot arm nervously.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Tord. Look, what if I suddenly would have done this? Would you instantly abandon and insult me, just like you're insulting yourself right now..?" I asked quickly. Tord stayed quiet again.

"Tord..." Matt tried to get Tord to speak.

"No... Edd, I would never insult you on purpose..." Tord silently said while looking down at his feet and guiltily fiddling with his bony fingers.

"See? We're thinking exacly the same about you, Tord. Everyone does something bad sometimes, right, Matt?" I asked, slightly smiling at them.

"Of course! Even I did sometimes!" Matt replied, a little chuckle escaping his lips.

"But no one would bring out a giant robot, destroy two houses, kill an innocent man and break the trust of their only friends..." Tord stated weakly, slightly getting tears in his eyes again.

"Nevertheless, it's in the past now. We all forgave you and right now we should focus on your health. It's more important than a small clanger in the past." I told him with a gentle, reassuring smile.

Tord sobbed and sniffled a couple times, but eventually, he muttered a quiet 'thank you' under his frail breath while he started grinning joyfully with tears of happiness in his eyes.

"You're very welcome..." I replied, coming closer and softly embracing him while Matt did the same.

In that moment, we heard Tom coming out of the kitchen with a water bottle in his hand while his other hand found its way inside Toms hoody pocket. It seemed like he finally understood, that he drank way too much alcohol.

"What's going on?" Tom asked with a kinda bored expression.

"We asked Tord about what happened a few weeks ago. He started crying when he answered us..." I replied calmly while still hugging Matt and Tord.

"Oh... So, what was the reason for that..?" Tom asked, slightly sorrowful and curious.

"He thought, that he was a worthless burden to us..." Matt answered in an extremely concerned and sad voice while hugging Tord tighter.

"What? Oh god, Tord..." Tom quietly said while setting his water bottle down and coming closer with a frowning expression.

Tord slightly looked up from behind Matts arm, that was still embracing him. We could clearly see the mental and physical pain he is going through.

Tom kneeled down in front of Tord while Matt seemed to notice and broke the soft hug.

"Tord, you are not worthless. You bring so much good things into our lifes... The only things, that are slightly bothering us, are your health problems. That's why we're all doing our best to help you." Tom told him while putting his hand on Tords skinny thighs.

Matt and I smiled and nodded in agreement while Tord seemed to finally understand, that he was extremely important to us.

Wanting to change the topic, Tom seemed to remember, that Tord was still sick and anorexic...

"How about we put you on the scale? I want to see, how you're doing." Tom stated as he helped Tord up from his sitting position.

"Uhm, a-alright..." Tord stuttered, seemingly not wanting to see his weight.

We made our way to the bathroom and got the scale out from under the sink counter. Tord reluctantly placed his left leg on the scale, hesitating to put his right foot on it.

Eventually, he made himself to stand on the scale and we all curiously took a look at his weight.

28,8 kg.

We were shocked.

I thought, he was doing so good?! Last time we measured Tords weight, he he weighed approximately 38 kg! He gained about five kilogram, since he weighed 33,6 kilogram when he was first diagnosed with anorexia!

Did he seriously lost almost ten kilogram again?!

Sure, he was in coma for over a week, but did it really effect him that much?!

Tord was looking away from the scale. He didn't want to see, that he lost so much weight again.

"Tord, holy fuck!" Tom almost yelled, making Tord lightly jump in fright.

"I thought, you at least gained five kilogram?! How did that happen?!" Tom asked loudly, pointing at the scale.

Tord hesitantly looked at where Tom was pointing. He was slightly surprised, but it still seemed like he was not caring about his weight at all.

"Tom, calm down. It's not his fault." I reassured Tom, hoping not to get shouted at.

"We should take him to a doctor again, though. It seems like his state is only aggravating..." Matt added, worryingly looking at Tord and the scale beneath him.

"Maybe we should sign him in a clinic for eating disorders..?" I asked in extreme concern.

"You know what? That's actually a good idea. It's way better than just some stupid medication with horrible side effects." Tom replied, apparently agreeing with my idea. Matt simply nodded as I looked at him.

"Well, than it's settled. Tord, you're going into a clinic for eating disorders!" I stated with excitement, expecting for him to finally get better after everything. He just sighed in disappointment, though.

"If it makes you happy..?" He silently mumbled while weakly getting off the scale. He shuffled out of the bathroom with his head down, leaving Tom, Matt and me in the bathroom.

We looked at each other with worried expressions before coming out of the bathroom and making our way to the living room to see Tord, laying on the couch with an apparently sad frown on his face.

We decided to leave him be, since we didn't want to stress him even more.

I told Tom and Matt, that I will announce Tord in the clinic for eating disorders in the next day.

For safety reasons, we locked the kitchen and the front door, so Tord doesn't do anything to himself again.


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