.•°*(Chapter 5) Never ending pain*°•.

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Edds point of view:

I saw Tords red face with tears in his oddly beautyful eyes. My red bean is so sad! I just wanna hug him right now, so that's what I did. I gently embraced him while he hesitantly hugged back and started sobbing into my shoulder. I closed my eyes, rubbed soothing circles on his back to comfort him and noticed Matt coming out of the kitchen with a half eaten cookie in his hands.

Matt looked at us, chewing on his cookie while Tom and I looked back at him with a glare, that shows him, that he should either help us with Tord or just go away. He seemed to get it. He swallowed his cookie and came closer to us with a little frown.

I let go of the embrace and looked at Matt while he looked at Tord with a worried look on his face and came even closer.

Since Tord was sitting on the sofa, Matt had to kneel down to make eye contact at the same level with him. They looked at each other. Matt looked a little concerned while Tord was still sobbing a bit. When Matt noticed him sobbing, his worried frown instantly grew even bigger then before. He hugged Tord while saying some comforting words as Tord completely broke down in tears now.

He was sobbing and crying uncontrollable. He hid his face in Matts chest and mumbled something between his sobs. His muffled mumbling was inaudible for us.

"Shh, hey, it's fine... Everything is okay..." Matt said, reassuring him, that there is no need to cry anymore. Tord sniffled a few more times and broke the embrace. Matt still held Tords shoulders while giving him a warm, comforting smile. Tom and I smiled as well when we saw Tord grin a little, too. After a few minutes of silence, Tom spoke.

"So, how about you eat something now, Tord? I can tell, you're hungry." Tom asked Tord, lightly tilting his head.

Tords point of view:

"So, how about you eat something now, Tord? I can tell, you're hungry."

Oh god... I don't know, what to say.

If I say 'yes', then I will just puke everything out again. But if I say 'no', then they will be suspicious...

Oh my god, screw it, I will just eat something and then hide in the bathroom until I'm finished with throwing up or something. I don't want them to 'worry' about me.

"Uhm, okay." I answered hesitantly.

They smiled kinda satisfied and brought me into the kitchen. They led me to the table and I reluctantly sat down as I saw the food. Oh my god. I can't. I already started gagging. I held my mouth when I felt vomit slowly rise my throat. The others stared at me in confusion and fear.

"Tord? You okay, buddy?" Edd tried to get my attention, but I was too focused on not throwing up all over the table. I tried to swallow it, and it worked for now. After a little while, I hesitantly grabbed the fork and poked it into my food. I stabbed a piece with the cutlery and slowly nibbled on it. I could feel the stomach fluid coming up again as I swallowed the piece of food.

After a while, I tried to ignore the uneasy feeling in my stomach. When I was almost finished with eating, I felt so sick, that I couldn't hide it any longer.

I got up from the chair and quickly made my way to the bathroom while I heard someone calling my name. I just ignored it and reached the bathroom. I could almost feel the vomit already on my tongue, so I didn't get the time to lock the bathroom door. I quickly bent down in front of the toilet and threw up.

I could hear footsteps reach the bathroom, but I didn't give them much attention.

When I finished throwing up, I unintended collapsed on the cold bathroom floor. I heard the door opening, but I was too tired to care.

Next thing I knew was, that I heard a weird, loud ringing in my ears as everything in my vision started to get blurry and dark.

'When will this pain finally end?'

Toms point of view:

We opened the bathroom door since we heard gagging and choking coming from the small norwegian in the bathroom. When the door opened, we were shocked from what we saw.

Tord was laying on the floor in front of the toilet. There was vomit mixed with a little bit of blood in the toilet and Tord already passed out cold.

I immediately bent down in front of Tord to pick him up. I brought him into the living room and layed him on the couch again.

"Tom, I don't know, what to do... maybe we should call an ambulance?" Edd asked. I sighed and answered.

"No no no, I've got this, don't worry!" I told him. I didn't want Tord to be in a hospital, mostly because he is freaking scared of hospitals, doctors, syringes and all that stuff. If he would wake up inside of a hospital, he would immediately run away as fast as he can.

"Tom, maybe Edd is right. I think, we should call the paramedics as well. I don't think, that we should just let him be in this condition" Matt spoke, agreeing with Edds statement. I sighed and looked down at Tord. He was totally drowsy and looked like a breathing corpse...

Maybe Edd and Matt are right...

I sighed in defeat and nodded, looking at Edd and Matt. As they saw my agreement, Edd instantly grabbed his phone and called the ambulance. I just waited, sitting down on the sofa where Tord was half asleep and watching him as he seemed to get even weaker with every minute.

(-Time skip-)

Edds point of view:

We saw the blue flashing signal of the ambulance through the window, so Matt and I opened the door, showing the paramedics the way to Tord. Tom already measured Tords temperature. It was on 102,2 degrees.

The paramedics layed Tord on a stretcher since he couldn't walk because of his fatigue and weakness. They put him inside of the ambulance and told us everything we should know, for example, what they will probably do with him or in which hospital they're going.

They told us, that we could visit him at the hospital later, but for now we should wait a bit until he is at least more or less awake, because they didn't want us to stress him.

And with that, they drove off with Tord.

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