.•°*(Chapter 24) Clinic for eating disorders*°•.

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(Next day -Time skip-)

Tords point of view:

I wasn't happy when I woke up at all. I instantly remembered Edds frustrating statement from yesterday.

"'Tord, you're going into a clinic for eating disorders!'"

This sentence was stuck inside my head. I didn't want to go to this dumb clinic... What should I do there? How will I be treated there? Will they make me even fatter than I already am in my opinion?

God knows, what will happen to me...

Edd already signed me in and I had three hours left to pack my stuff.

'Well, this will be 'interesting'...'

(-Time skip-)

It was time to go now. I took my suitcase and slowly went outside, closing the door behind me since everyone already waited patiently in front of the car.

Tom opened the trunk and waited for me to lay my bag in it. I reluctantly placed my suitcase in the trunk and got inside the car as Tom closed everything.

I sighed in sorrow and disappointment. I really didn't want to go there at all. I want to be healthy, yes, but I just want to stay with Edd, Matt and Tom...

I didn't even know, if this clinic would actually help me. Maybe it's only a waste of time. Maybe it would make my condition even worse, who knows.

But I had nothing to lose, anyway. Except my miserable life, of course. But who cares? Maybe it would be even better, if I would lose my life.

That thought made me smile a little. If something would go horribly wrong, I could finally leave this sorrowful world. No more pain, no more problems, no more reasons to live.

That made me slightly calming down and I slumped in my seat, imagining a world without bad things. A world without pain, guilt or shame.

I closed my eyes, thinking about finally dying. What would it be like? Will it hurt or will I feel numb? Does it take long or is it over after one moment? Would someone miss me? My friends? My former soldiers from my old army? Anyone?

I snapped out of my thoughts by Edd.

"Okay, we're here..." He told us in a gentle voice while lightly sighing.

I got out of the car, pulled my luggage out of the trunk and hesitantly headed inside the clinic.

A nice looking, slightly overweight lady greeted us kindly.

"Hello there! I assume, you are Tord Larsson?" She asked nicely while looking down at a few papers before looking at me again.

"Erm, yes." I replied shyly.

"Wonderful! Let's take your luggage into your room. Your friends can come with us, if they want to." She stated as she grabbed my suitcase and went to a nice looking room with the common interior decoration.

A comfortable, soft looking bed, a wooden desk with a suitable chair, a big closet and even a houseplant next to a dark grey sofa in front of a flat screen TV.

I was kinda thrilled. I didn't imagine this clinic this comfortable and clean.

I looked at Edd, Matt and Tom. They looked almost as astonished as I was.

"Here is your room key, Mr Larsson. Make yourself at home! We will call you, when your treatment begins. Your friends can come and go anytime they want. Other than that, enjoy your stay!" The lady said as she gave me a silver colored key with the room number 29 on it.

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