.•°*(Chapter 9) Insult*°•.

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Tords point of view:

I was feeling a little better when I woke up, so I decided to get downstairs to the others since it wasn't that late. I got down to see Matt and Edd on the sofa while they watched something on the TV.

I smiled to myself and wanted to go to join them, but then I heard someone coming out of the kitchen and putting a hand on my shoulder. I quickly spun around, slightly startled. I saw Tom, looking at me while holding a bowl with popcorn in it.

"Tord, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you rest in your room until you're well again?" He asked in a concerned manner while frowning a little.

"I think, I'm already fine enough to go downstairs, as you can see. But I wanted to know, what even happened to me a few hours ago. I just felt like I was dying, hehe." I replied curiously while smiling a bit. He put the bowl of popcorn on a table and looked at me.

"Well, from what we could make out, you were having something like a seizure. We were absolutely terrified from what we saw. You were just frantically tossing around your bed while you looked like you were having convulsion. When we came inside your room a second time, you were laying on the floor with bloody vomit next to you. We assumed, that it possibly were some side effects of those pills, but I don't know exacly. Are you sure, that you're fine?" He explained and asked worried.

I nodded as an answer and he took the bowl with popcorn. We went to the sofa and sat down next to Edd and Matt. They smiled at Tom and thanked him for the popcorn, but they looked shocked and worried when they noticed me.

"Tord! What are you doing out of bed? Do you feel any better?" Edd asked. He sounded like a mad and concerned mother, even if his voice wasn't female at all. I laughed a bit before answering.

"Yeah, Edd. Don't worry, I'm feeling much better." I reassured him.

"Well, if you say so... But do you remember, what happened to yourself? You looked like you were dying!" He told me while raising his voice.

"Yeah, you almost scared us to death, Tord!" Matt joined, agreeing with Edd. I sighed, wondering why the heck they would be that 'worried' about me.

"Guys, I'm feeling okay, don't worry! If I wouldn't, then I would've told you." I told them.

"Well, we can't risk anything. You were already lying before, so you could lie now, too, commie." Ouch. That hurt, Tom.

"Tom, stop, this is all in the past now." Edd said, trying to defend me.

Oh damn, this will be funny...

Toms point of view:

"Well, you can't prove, that he's telling the truth! Maybe he doesn't feel alright or maybe he even plans to kill us again!" I said, kinda getting out of control. I didn't want to say this. It just... slipped out.

"Tom, stop this! He already regrets what he did, and he'll never do it again! He was truly sorry and I thought, that you forgave him for that!" Edd said, slowly raising his voice as well.

"Oh, you seriously thought, I would forgive this bastard for almost killing us?! He fucking blew up our house and Jon died because of that communist freak!" I yelled. Oh my god, stop this, Tom... Why am I saying those things? Of course I forgave Tord... Please, don't believe what I say, guys... I don't mean anything of that speech...

"Tom, if you really think that way, then you should just go to your room and let him be. Tord had to go through so much bad stuff and you're definietely doesn't make it better at all." Edd said, trying to sound calm, but I could tell, that he was really mad at me. Then, Tord spoke up with tears in his eyes.

"No, Edd, it's okay, Tom is right. Don't blame him. It is all my fault, anyway." Tord said, tears staining his cheeks while he gave us a sad smile, showing us, that he does think the same way as I once thought. But I didn't want to say all this... I completely forgave Tord and now I'm saying stuff that isn't true...

I saw Tord quietly sobbing while he tried to suppress his true feelings. He looked away, hiding his tear stained face and slowly walking to his room while we were watching him with sad eyes.

I never felt more guilty than now...

While Tord was still walking to his room, I hurried after him.

"T-Tord, wait, I didn't...-" I tried to explain him. But he didn't even stopped walking. He just ignored me, probably being in his own thoughts.

Matt and Edd came after me, sorrowful looking after the small norwegian as well. Tord closed his door and left us standing in the hallway, Edd and Matt being damn mad at me.

"Tom, what the hell were you thinking?!" Edd whisper-yelled at me while I was still looking at Tords door, dumbfounded and hoping the red clad male would open it again.

"I... Uhm..." I was speechless. What has gotten into me?! Why was I telling those stupid lies?!

"Tom, go apologize. Now." Matt told me in a monotonous tone. I sighed and nodded. I slowly went to Tords door and hesitantly knocked on it.

"Tord, listen, buddy... I didn't mean anything of that, really... Please, don't be mad at me... I don't know, what has gotten into me..." I said carefully. I heard no reply.

I quietly checked, if the door was open, but to my bad luck, it was locked. It seemed like I hurt him... alot.

"Tord, please, open up... Let me talk to you... I didn't mean to insult you..." I said calmly.

"Don't bother about me." I heard the norski say quietly, his accent thickening.

"Tord, I want you to believe me. It just unintentionally slipped out of my stupid mouth..." I said, trying to convince Tord to open the door.

"No, Tom, let me be. I want to be alone now, please." Tord told me from the other side of the door. I sighed and looked at Matt and Edd since they still stood behind me.

They just had concerned frowns on their faces while looking at Tords door. Then, Edd looked at me and mouthed the words 'you screwed up'.

Matt nodded, knowing what Edd meant as they both just turned around and walked away, leaving me in the hallway in front of Tords door with nothing but my own thoughts.

'Well, I definitely screwed up this time.'

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