.•°*(Chapter 2) Argument and shock*°•.

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Edds point of view:

Me, Tom and Matt were on our way to the shopping center and we were glad that we could rebuilt our house after Tord destroyed it.

But... I miss him... I miss my small, red, norwegian bean... But after almost two years of the terrible thought that Tom could have killed him with his harpoon, I'm starting to loose hope that he would ever come back...

I sighed in sadness, and it looked like Matt noticed my sad sound that interrupted the silence in the cold air. He looked at me, concerned.

"Edd? Is something wrong, bud?" He asked.

I looked at him and he seemed to notice my frown, because he looked even more worried and tilted his head like a puppy that wants to have answers.

"Hm, I'm fine, but..." I said, then interrupted myself to find the words to describe what I think.

"...But?" Matt asked patiently.

I saw Tom look at me too, now worried as well.

"I... uhm... guys, I miss him..." I hesitantly said.

Matt looked confused, the same with Tom. Matt frowned at me while Tom raised an eyebrow in confusion and impatience.

"Who?" Matt asked, still concerned. I sighed hesitantly.

"Tord..." I said quietly. Matt looked now surprised while Toms expression changed from worried to slightly angry.

"What?! Did you just say, that you MISS this norwegian commie freak?!" Tom said in an angry tone, but tried not to yell at me. Matt layed his right arm around my neck and on my shoulder in a gentle 'one-arm-embrace'.

"I know, it sounds weird since we didn't see him in a few years now, but... I still miss him... I mean, he was our friend..." I said quietly while I sighed in the last part. Tom just looked annoyed from the conversation.

"Well, he was not MY friend!" He snapped in annoyance. "And he will never be!" He continued.

"Why couldn't you two just get along with each other?!" I snapped back at him. I think I caused an argument between us now... Oh no.

"Because he is always so damn annoying with his teasings and stuff, god dang it!" He almost screamed.

"Well, he was always really nice to me and Matt, so I think he had a reason to be rude to you!" I hissed, but tried not to yell back at him. I didn't want to cause more arguments. Tom looked angrier with every second.

"Oh, so you call it 'nice' when he destroyed our house, killed one of our neighbours and hurt us mentally and physically?!" He yelled. I could feel the eyes of other passers burn into our backs because of Toms scream.

"...Tom, we needed a renovation anyway. Most of the important stuff like money or the pictures of the four of us survived all. Our house is now completely new and clean, what do you want more?" I said in a calm tone and continued.

"Jon is much happier as a ghost now and Edwardo and Mark are much nicer, too. Jon can still interact with us." I said. Tom wanted to say something, but I interrupted him before he could talk. "And by the way, I know Tord longer than you, Tom. And I know that he would never do such a thing to us on purpose. It looked like he didn't really want to hurt us. So you know, what I think, Tom?" I said as a rhetorical question and continued.

"I think, he was forced to do this. And Maybe his robot was the only thing that could have brought him back to Norway to hide or something, and you just destroyed it with your harpoon!" I hissed at Tom. He was completely speechless.

"Edd is right, Tom." Matt joined. "Actually, Tord would have more reasons to not forgive YOU, than you have to not forgive HIM. Tord is the one that should be angry at you." Matt said in an actually wise and calm tone. I nodded in agreement.

Tom just looked away and said nothing else. Heh, I think Tom feels guilty now...

Since our little argument ended, it was silence for a while, until Matt broke it.

"Edd, could we pleeeease buy some more mirrors?" Matt asked like a little kid. I rolled my eyes playfully and spoke.

"No, Matt, you have enough." I said, chuckling.

"But Eeeeedd, I want more!" Matt pleaded.

"Matt, what did I just say? You already have enough mirrors in your room!" I said like an annoyed father would talk to his son, but in a playfully manner.

That's when I turned my head to a dark alleyway that kinda gets my attention. I stopped walking and looked inside that alleyway since I saw something red that looked like it was alive. Tom and Matt stopped walking as well and they looked at me in confusion.

"Edd?" Matt tried to get my attention, but I just walked into that alleyway. I could tell, Matt and Tom were confused, but they said nothing and just followed me in that alleyway.

It was kinda dark, so I took my mobile and switched on the flashlight. I pointed the light to the red figure on the ground and gasped loudly when I realized who it was.


Toms point of view:

He was there... laying on the ground...
bleeding and barely breathing...
he looks like he didn't eat in a very long time and it looked like he was unconscious...

God, even after our little argument between me and Edd I already felt guilty, but now, when I see the small norwegian in this condition... Oh wow...

I kinda want to help him now, or the guilt will never go away...

I looked down at the communist and gasped slightly when I saw a quick movement on him.

He was twitching.

Edd knelt down in front of Tord and so did Matt and I.

And that's when we saw Tords eyes flicker open slowly.

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