.•°*(Chapter 14) Delusional*°•.

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(-Time skip-)

Matts point of view:

I was still sitting on Tords bedside to make sure, that he's okay. I felt like I sat there for hours, but I didn't want to leave him alone in this condition! He is sick and extremely hurt because of Tom!

Edd and I were a little mad at Tom. Well, Edd seems to be a bit more mad than me, but I can't blame him. Tord didn't do anything bad to Tom. Well, at least not after the 'incident'... But Tord was sorry, he would never do this again!

Tord was forced to do this, from what I overheard, so I'm glad, that he didn't really kill us then.

Tom just got drunk and hurt Tord without any reason! Now that I think about it, I think, I'm more furious than I thought I would be.

I looked at the small norwegian and saw him slightly shifting and quietly groaning. I gasped softly and bent down in front of him to see, if he is waking up.

As soon as I leaned over, I saw his eyes struggling to open.

"Tord?" I asked quietly, still looking at him. He lightly coughed a few times and l layed the back of my hand on his forehead. It felt like he had a fever...

I took my hand off his forehead and carefully stroked his injured cheek with my thumb. He was still struggling to open his eyes. I felt bad for him...

He didn't deserve to go through all this pain...

After a few moments, I heard the door creaking open. I turned my head and saw a worried looking Edd.

"Hey, Matt... How's it been going?" He quietly whispered.

"Not really good... He was about to wake up, but he can't really open his eyes and it felt like he has a fever..." I whispered back with a sad tone and a concerned frown.

"Oh no... Should I get the thermometer?" Edd asked, still whispering. I nodded and looked back at Tord when Edd left for a short while.

When Edd came back with the thermometer, he quietly made his way to Tords bedside and measured his temperature.

It was on 103,4 degrees.

His fever increased.

It was clear, that Tord wasn't doing well. He got worse almost every day...

Edd and I heard someone enter the room. We looked at the door to see Tom with a worried expression on his face. He seemed to overheard our small conversation about Tords fever.

"Hey, guys..." He carefully and gently greeted us with a guilty tone in his whisper.

"How is Tord..?" Tom quietly asked, looking at Tord. I sighed while Edd answered him.

"Not good... He has a high fever and he's not fully waking up ... He can't really open his eyes..." Edd replied slowly while looking down.

"Oh no..." I heard Tom lightly say.

He slowly made his way to the bed and touched Tords forehead with the back of his hand. He instantly removed his hand from Tords face and looked down at him with a concerned and guilty expression.

"I'm so sorry..." Tom said with tears slowly forming in his eyes.

Toms point of view:

I felt so bad... I didn't ever meant to hurt him that badly. Just seeing him laying there, all beaten up, sick, hurt and powerless...

It hurt to look at his horrible condition. And I was the one, who caused this...

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