.•°*(Chapter 4) Sick*°•.

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Tords point of view:

I just finished showering, so got dressed, went to the living room and immediately saw Tom coming out of the kitchen. It smelled a bit like food, but I tried to brush it off since I couldn't eat that well anymore.

Tom came a little closer and started to talk.

"Hey, Commie. I made something to eat for us." He said in a calm voice and a small smile on his face. I looked up at him and answered.

"Heh, no thanks. I'm not that hungry." I said, convinced of my statement. His smile faded and he looked down at me with sad eyes.

"Uhm, are you sure? You look like you didn't eat in a while and you're a bit pale as well. Are you feeling okay?" He asked, slightly worried. I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yep, don't worry, I'm feeling fine." I lied to him. He seemed to believe my answer and gave up on trying to get me to eat. I was relieved.

He just let a simple but sad 'okay' slip out through his lips and went back to the kitchen. Since I was alone now, I just layed on the sofa and tried to fall asleep.

Toms point of view:

Okay, I know, I'm supposed to hate that commie, but I can't help but feeling worried...

He looked really skinny and it was definietely not okay. I could tell, that he wasn't feeling fine as well, but I didn't want to stress him, so I simply let him be.

But still, I can't stop thinking about him and his health. Maybe he is sick? Maybe he's hiding something? I don't know, and I will never know, if I would just let it be, so I had to at least tell someone.

Since it wasn't that late yet, I assumed, that Edd and Matt are still awake, so I think I'm going to ask them, what to do.

I finished eating my food, so I got out of the kitchen to get to Edds room. On my way there, I saw Tord in the living room, laying on the couch. He looked really exhausted and I could tell, that he really was. I would be exhausted as well if I would've been living in an alleyway for almost two years, without much food or medical help.

When I reached Edds room, I gently knocked on the door, waiting for Edd to answer. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing Edd with a small smile, looking up at me. I smiled back at him and spoke.

"Hey, Edd, can I... talk to you for a moment..?" I asked quietly and a little sad. He noticed, that I was concerned about something, so his smile faded and his expression grew to a little, worried frown.

"Of course, come in!" He said, still frowning while he stepped aside for me to go inside his room. I thanked him and walked inside his room, sitting on his bed while he closed the door and sat beside me.

"So, what's wrong, Tom?" He asked quietly, still frowning. I sighed and spoke up.

"Well, did you notice something weird on Tords... behaviour recently?" I asked, looking at him. He looked away for a second to think, then looked at me again and answered.

"Now that I think about it... Did he actually eat anything after we brought him here?" He asked. I shook my head and spoke again.

"No, I didn't see him eat anything since he came here." I said, slightly frowning. Then I continued. "I actually just made something to eat for me and Tord, but he just refused. This isn't normal, Edd... He is way too skinny in my opinion, and he looked like he was going to pass out any minute. He was so pale, oh my god..." I said, now extremely worried for him.

"...Maybe he is sick or something..?" Edd asked in a sad tone.

"Hm, I thought about it, too. Maybe he is, but I don't know exactly. I mean, I'm not a doctor, but I know, that this has to be something bad. It's definietely not good for him..." I answered.

"Maybe we should check on him?" Edd asked while looking at me. I nodded and gave him a little 'yes' before we headed to the living room.

We saw Tord, still laying in the same exhausted position like before. Edd and I walked up to him to see him sleeping peacefully on the sofa, even if his back was turned to us so we couldn't see his face. He was slightly shivering and the blanked was laying beside him, so I assumed that he was cold. I carefully took the blanked and gently placed it on the sleeping norwegian.

Tord sighed quietly while a small, gentle smile spread across his face. He shifted a little in his sleep, so now we could see his little smile. That sight made me smile as well while Edd let out a small 'Aww' when he saw Tords satisfied face. But Tord wouldn't be that satisfied for long.

Matt made his way downstairs while tripping a couple times. Because of that thudding, Tord let out a quiet groan, showing that he doesn't want to hear that loud banging. Edd was about to try to tell Matt to be silent, but ended up being interrupted by him.

"Hey, guys! How's Tord?" He said kinda loudly. Tord just groaned even more and his smile already faded away. It looked like he was waking up.

We told Matt to shush when Tord started shifting in his sleep. Matt seemed like he didn't get it and spoke again.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, still being loud. We already saw Tords eyes slowly opening. Edd and I gave Matt a dead glare while he seemed to notice, that he did something wrong.

Then, Tord spoke up.

"Uh, what are you doing here, guys?" He asked, extremely tired. I sighed.

"Well, Edd and I just went here to check on you, but Matt was being way too loud with his thudding and yelling. I'm sorry, Commie." I said, glaring at Matt. The ginger just looked back at me, a little confused. Tord began laughing.

"Heh, it's fine, no harm done. But why would you two want to check on me?" Tord asked, still giggling a bit.

"Well, in our opinion, you are pretty skinny, Tord. We wanted to look after you if you were feeling well and maybe give you something to eat as well." I said, concerned about his health. Edd nodded in agreement while Tord just sighed.

"Don't you dare worrying about me. I don't even deserve someone to care about me." He mumbled, barely understandable. Edd and I looked at each other, then back at Tord, who was looking down at his feet. I assumed, that Matt didn't understand anything about our conversation, so he went to the kitchen to grab a cookie or something. Edd frowned at the red clad communist.

"No, Tord, don't think that way... We all care about you like you are our brother!" Edd told him with a reassuring smile and continued.

"We know each other for so long, we can't help but care about you! You were my very first best friend and I didn't know, what I would've done, if I wouldn't have known you... You did so much good for us, and now we have to help you, just like you helped us when we had no one else!" Edd said with tears threatening to fall down his chubby cheeks.

Tord had tears in his beautiful, heterochromatic eyes as well. He looked down without something else to say and started silently crying.

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