.•°*(Chapter 7) Pills*°•.

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(24h -Time skip-)

Edds point of view:

Tord was doing a bit better, but he still has to stay at the hospital because of the surgical scar on his upper arm and his anorexia. Today the doctor will put Tord on the scale to look at his weight.

Matt, Tom and I were already on our way to the hospital. When we arrived, we made our way to Tords room to see him in his bed, talking to the doctor. They looked at us, the doctor smiled while Tord looked up at us in a tired manner.

A nurse came in to help Tord to get out of bed, so we could measure his weight. Tord shakingly got up with the help of us and the nurse. We slowly made or way to the scale, keeping an eye on Tord, just in case, that he doesn't fall over.

The nurse put Tord on the scale and we all looked at his weight.

33,6 kg.

He is 4,9 ft tall.

His BMI is approximately 15,1.

This is bad. Really bad.

The doctor and the nurse were astonished while Tom, Matt and I were in pure shock. Tord didn't seem to be bothered too much of it. It looked like he would see this every single day. As if it wasn't important.

We brought Tord back to the hospital bed while the doctor wrote something down and told the nurse to bring him some sort of medication.

When the nurse returned with a small pillbox and a cup of water, she made her way to Tord and gave him a pill and the cup. He hesitantly put the pill in his mouth, drank the water and gave the cup back to the nurse. Then he just layed back down while we heard him sigh tiredly.

It looked like he either was already used to missing one arm, or he forgot about his stub that once was his right arm. Due to the fact, that he was still weak and tired, I could only assume, that he could have forgotten about it. When I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the doctors voice.

"When he'll gain enough strengh and weight, we can dismiss him from the hospital, but he still has to take those pills when he is at home." The doctor said, looking at us in a friendly manner.

"How long will it take until then?" I asked.

"I think, it will at least take 1 week for him to recover enough health to go home." The doctor replied, looking at his clipboard with a monotonous expression on his face.

We looked at Tord, who was fast asleep, slightly curled up to a ball like a sleeping child. I smiled at him and decided to let him be, since he needed as much rest as he could get.

(One week -Time skip-)

Toms point of view:

We were really glad when we heard, that Tord was dismissed. We were on our way to the hospital, chatting and laughing a little, until we reached the hospital.

We came inside, happily hurrying to Tords room. We saw him standing beside the hospital bed while he talked to a nurse. The nurse looked  over at us, smiling.

"Oh, there you are! You can take Tord home now, and don't forget to take the pills, Mr Larsson!" The nurse friendly remembered us. We nodded and thanked her while we left the hospital.

When I looked down at Tord, I've noticed that he still looked a little tired, but it was probably just because he didn't get much sleep bacause of the many investigations that kept him awake.

(-Time skip-)

Tords point of view:

We reached our house and went inside. I immediately went to my room and jumped on my bed, wanting to escape the reality by going to sleep.

I didn't want to believe it. Only because of those pills I gained almost 5 kilogram. I didn't want this, I always was fat in my opinion and now they made me gain even more weight?! Are they crazy?!

I closed my eyes, not wanting to think about my disgusting, fat body and without realizing, I luckily fell alseep.

(-Time skip-)

I woke up by Ringo meowing loudly from the other side of my door. I tiredly looked at the clock, which showed already 11am. I slowly got out of my bed, making my way to the door to let Ringo inside my room.

I pressed the door handle down and pushed the door open when the cat came inside of my room and gently rubbed against my shin. I smiled at the warm, fluffy feeling on my leg and giggled sleepily at the small feline.

"Hehe, hey there, little one! What are you doing here? Don't you want to be with Edd and the others?" I said, as if Ringo would understand me.

As if on cue, the kitten started purring and let out a soft 'meow' as I kneeled down on her level and started gently petting her soft fur with my left hand.

She seemed to realize, that my right arm was missing, because she looked at my stub and snuffled on it for a while. I chuckled sadly, knowing that I will never be able to use my right arm again.

I sighed, raising up from my kneeling position and looking for those pills I have to take twice a day. Then I remembered, that I left them in the kitchen yesterday, so I got dressed and went to the kitchen, Ringo not far behind me.

Since it was almost noon, I saw Edd, Matt and Tom, sitting on the sofa and watching TV. I continued my way to the kitchen and grabbed the small pillbox while taking out a glass cup to pour water in it. I took a pill and swallowed it with the water.

Because I wasn't really hungry, I just went back to my room and sat on my bed, taking out my phone to play some useless games.

After about half an hour, I was kinda getting dizzy, but I thought nothing much of it, 'cause it could just be one of the side effects of the pills.

Since it was getting worse, I slowly layed down, holding my head and closing my eyes as an attempt to make the dizziness stop, but even after five minutes, it wasn't getting better, but worse. I just heard a weird ringing and when I opened my pained eyes, I couldn't see anything.

There were just some weird, bright blue and white dots all over my vision and it hurts to look at them, so I just closed my eyes again, passing out while breathing heavily.

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