.•°*(Chapter 20) Suicide attempt*°•.

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[Warning: The title says it all!]

Toms point of view:

I was completely shocked and so were Edd and Matt. Tord was just laying there, throwing up blood again.

When will he be okay again? I can't stand seing him like this, even if he betrayed us once.

Edd and Matt were already kneeling down beside him while they layed the passed out norski in a better position on his back, since he was laying uncomfortably on his stomach before.

I snapped out of my fright and hurried to them, kneeling down in front of Tord as well. He was breathing extremely shallow and fast while it sounded like he chocked on his own bloody vomit.

Since he blacked out completely, he couldn't do anything by himself, of course.

We immediately tried to wake him up, but there was no use. Matt picked him up and brought him in the living room again, since he was in no condition to sleep in his own room anymore. Edd was already cleaning Tords blood and vomit off the floor.

In the moment, when Matt layed the red clad communist on the sofa, we heard him slightly groaning in pain. We looked at his face to see him slowly gaining his consciousness again.

After he was more or less awake again, he sluggishly sat up and held his head, as if it was aching. He dizzily looked at us without a word, with a face, that was questioning, what just happened.

"Guys, maybe I should call the therapist and cancel the appointment for today? I don't think, Tord can go there today..." Edd said with a concerned and disappointed frown while coming back from the bathroom, seemingly finished with cleaning up everything.

Matt and I agreed and Edd took his phone to call Tords therapist while I layed my focus back on Tord. He seemed extremely confused and one of his eyes was closing, showing lots of fatigue and weakness.

"Tord, lay back down and get some sleep, Edd will cancel the appointment for today..." Matt told him, laying his hand on the norwegians shoulder.

"Why? What's wrong? I can go there! I..." Tord cut himself off as he held his stomach in pain, hunching over and groaning quietly.

"No, Tord. Just relax and don't do anything hard. Maybe we will call the doctor for some other medication for your anorexia and stuff. It seems like those pills are just aggravating your health." I told him, gently pushing him down in a laying position again.

He just sighed in defeat and slight annoyance, turning around to face the side of the couch. In that moment, Edd came back while he stuffed his phone into his hoody pocket.

"Okay, I canceled it." Edd simply told us while sighing and looking at Tord with a small, frowning smile.

Tord didn't see it, though. He was still facing the couch, seemingly annoyed.

Since he probably was still kinda drowsy, we left him alone, going to the kitchen and finishing our food.

Tords point of view:

'This is so annoying! Why is everything so annoying?!' I thought while, of course, still feeling slight pain in my head and stomach. I just wanted to scream 'fuck my life' as loud as I could.

I was still tired, but I couldn't fall asleep, even after about half an hour. Something was definitely broken in me. I didn't know what, though.

Was it my brain or was it my stomach itself? Was it those pills or am I general sick? I didn't know. But I didn't want Edd, Matt or Tom to worry about me, so I had to at least try to pretend, that I was okay.

But of course, my body has to be like shit and has to faint every now and then. God, I hate myself.

But hey, at least these 'hallucinations' are gone now! It was not completely gone, though, but the worst is finished!

I just imagined some small things, like in pictures. In pictures, where Edd, Matt, Tom or I were on, I saw our eyes moving, squinting or blinking sometimes.

I saw Ringos toy mouse moving and looking at me sometimes as well, but that's all. There were no attacks from eerie creatures or hands in walls anymore! I was so glad...

Still, I felt really bad. I didn't mean to get sick and puke all over the floor again. I didn't mean to pass out and I just wanted to eat normally again...

But my body refuses everything.

I felt so useless and I was sure, that I would just bother them even more, the longer I stay alive. Something in my head just told me to do it.

So I knew exacly, what I had to do next.

I was a little hesitant about it, but eventually, I made myself getting up and went to a drawer, taking out a small paper and a pencil.

I wrote a small letter to Edd, Matt and Tom, silently letting my tears drop on the piece of paper. It just hurt so much, mentally and physically.

I finished writing the letter and I put it on the couch, where I was supposed to sleep on.

I wobbled towards the kitchen and took a small knife before heading to the front door, not caring about the coldness outside. I opened the door, going outside and closing the door behind me with a loud bang, due to the wind.

I put the hood over my head and stuffed my hands in my hoody pockets, my prosthetic arm making a machine noise while doing so.

I walked into the woods, slowly making my way as deep as possible inside of the forest.

Toms point of view:

I was peacefully sitting in my room, playing something with my phone before I heard the front door closing with a loud thud. Since I didn't hear Edd or Matt going downstairs, I assumed, it was either a burglar or Tord.

I hurried downstairs, only to be greeted with an empty couch. I started panicking, since it wasn't save for Tord being outside in his state at all.

As I looked at the sofa, I saw a small note on the blanked. I curiously made my way to the couch and took the paper, reading every single word.

'Dear Edd, Matt and Tom.

I'm really sorry for bothering you that much every day. I knew exacly, that I was a burden to everyone, ever since I was born. It was dreadful to think about it, but sadly, it's nothing but the cold truth.

Everything will be much easier when I'm gone, so that's why I'm writing this for you.

I'm sorry for not telling you personally, but I just couldn't wait for it to finally be over.

Don't look for me, I'm not worth it. I'm serious. Let it be as it is, it's the easiest way for everyone.

I'm sorry for wasting your time with my dumb problems, I really am.

That's why I'm ending everything now.

I still love you, guys. Goodbye.

- Tord'

I couldn't believe it. Is Tord really going to kill himself?!

I had to act fast. I neither knew, where he was, nor did I know, if he was still alive after all.

I frantically called for Edd and Matt and explained everything to them. Edd came up with the idea, that we could locate Tords phone, since he was the type of person, who always had his phone with him.

Edd took out his phone and opened the app to locate others phones. He found out, that Tord was near the woods, not far away from our home.

We immediately ran outside and hurried to the forest, Edd leading us there.

Since Tords position didn't move anymore, we were afraid, that he already could have done something to himself, so we ran even faster.

After what felt like hours, we reached the location where Tord should have been, and we clearly saw a small, red clad figure, standing at a large tree with a small knife in his hands, ready to slice his throat open and end his life.

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