.•°*(Chapter 12) Prosthesis*°•.

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(Next day -Time skip-)

Tords point of view:

I woke up on the couch in our living room with my head aching again. I remembered what happened yesterday and looked at the clock with a frustrated look on my face.

It was 6 am, still pretty early. I assumed, that the others were still asleep, so I just layed down again, trying to ignore my headache.

After a few minutes, I heard my phone ringing in my hoody pocket. I groaned in annoyance, tiredly grabbed my mobile and answered the call. It was an unknown number, so I was a bit curious.

"Hello?" I asked, trying to start a conversation with the unknown person.

"Hello, sir. Am I talking to... Tord Larsson?" A female voice asked with a serious tone.

"Uhm, yeah, and who are you, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked curious and slightly annoyed.

"I'm calling from the hospital. The doctor decided, that we could attach a prosthetic arm on your right shoulder. If you agree, than you can come right away." The female voice, that I assume was a nurse, replied.

"Alright, I think, I'm coming later, thanks." I said, a little worried about how I should tell my friends.

"Good, we will see you around then. Goodbye, Mr. Larsson." The nurse hung up. I sighed and put my phone away.

I decided to go to my room, because my bed was more comfortable than the couch. I went upstairs and shuffled into my room to be greeted with the small feline laying on my bed. I smiled to myself and quietly sat on my bed while Ringo woke up and looked at me.

She meowed adorably and stretched her body. I thought she would leave my room, but instead, Ringo sat on my lap, purring loudly. I giggled and petted her fluffy furry.

I layed down as Ringo left my lap and layed next to my head, curling up and still purring. I sighed and closed my eyes, waiting for a good nap to greet me.

(-Time skip-)

I didn't notice, that I indeed fell asleep, until I woke up by my door creaking open. I lazily looked up to see Edd looking at me with a small, relieved smile spreading across his chubby face.

"Good morning, Tord. I didn't know, that you were in your room again, hehe... I was a little scared when I didn't see you downstairs on the sofa. How are you feeling today?" Edd asked, kinda nervous. I slowly sat up and looked at him.

"I'm feeling fine, thanks for asking, but I wanna tell you something." I said, knowing that Edd will be the curious bean he is.

"Yeah? What is it?" Edd asked like a small child. I sighed and looked down while answering.

"Well, I got a call a few hours ago and it was the hospital." I replied and continued. "They decided to give me a prosthetic arm today, so I think, I will go there soon." I told him, slightly nervous. He looked at me in surprise and smiled softly afterwards.

"Alright, that's good to hear! But how will they attach it? Will they have to do a surgery again or will they just put it on your shoulder?" Edd asked extremely curious.

"I don't know, but let's just hope, that I don't need a surgery for this." I replied with a small, nervous smile on my face.

"Yeah... So, when do you leave? Now or a bit later?" Edd asked.

"I think, I'll go now, if it's okay for you." I answered, kinda anxious.

"Alright, do you want me to come with you or do you wanna go alone?" Edd asked again. Oh god, all those questions...

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